The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 148 57.4%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.9%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.8%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.5%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.3%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 54 20.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
This will likely be one of the less "fun" threads on here, but it can help provide a lot of useful, anecdotal information.

I am making this thread, because we have a lot of info here about the more easily noticeable positive effects of using Cannabis, but we tend to sweep some of the negative effects under the rug with the fallen avb crumbs. A lot of long term (longer than the buzz) effects of Cannabis can easily go unnoticed, and begin to feel like the norm, for those who are daily or even multiple-times-per-week users. These include but aren't limited to, lethargy/laziness, lack of focus/attention span, apathy/lowered domaninergic responses to non-Cannabis rewards, amotivation, etc..

This thread is for everyone who is on a break, to either come share their results, or to just come get some support if it's feeling difficult to hold off. You don't have to be quitting Cannabis altogether, to want a break. Maybe, you want to lower your tolerance, save some money, pass an upcoming drug test, or just want to see how your life would be different without it. Whatever category you fall into, this is the thread for you. If you aren't taking a CannaBreak, and want to learn from those who are, you're welcome, too.


Staff member
I just got off of a 10-day t-break a couple of weeks ago. It was because I was traveling in a non-weed-friendly country. I do enjoy having my tolerance reset, so it makes coming home all that much more special. I've yet to take a tolerance break that wasn't travel related, but I know I could with no ill effects if I had to, which is nice to know about yourself.



Well-Known Member
The last time I abstained from cannabis was 10 days due to travel as well. Then one thing I noticed is I had really vivid intense dreams around the 2nd or 3rd night I was without cannabis which continued for the entire trip. I'm usually a very vivid dreamer anyway but these were on another level; lucid dream level mind fuck. Has anyone else experienced more intense/vivid dreams following a cessation of cannabis consumption?


Well-Known Member
I have been able to take breaks when all was going fairly well with my work situation, I had long periods of weekend only, but with my current deplorable job, I find I do find much comfort in the daily inclusions of cannabis or hashish, in edibles or vapo. It's possible I can work to overcome this, but for me this is hard. I have an abusive boss, who will talk to you in such a degrading and demeaning way that you wish only to punch his face or to walk out. But I can't walk out without another job. Some people have done this btw. So in this scenario, and its also the manner of the work is very stupid as he is. THe re is a lot of doing nothing logical because he says so. Reports that have never been right and can never be right for example. THe challenge is there for me to overcome this, and I would like to see how it is without Cannabis, I do have this project in mind.


Well-Known Member
Day 11 of 31 to see if there are any overall life improvements.

So far it's just been much more bored, a much shorter temper, and despite having more energy, no more motivation than usual to do anything productive with that energy. It's just annoying energy.

No Cannabis cravings, though. Mental peace and relaxation without boredom would be nice, though, and that means more than the feeling of being high.


Well-Known Member
Great thread, storey of my life....i've tried to conquer a protracted break without success for the past decade. I do have some mental health issues, so sometimes I think that vaping is helping (and it does) but it's that dose related fine line that I go over, and experience tolerance and lack of therapeutic benefit. The longest that i've gone is 2 months, and typically I cave around 1-2 weeks because I literally cannot sleep AT ALL.

I get severe withdrawals like cold chills, crazy insomnia, night sweats, tingling sensations, moody, depressed, lack of appetite, and drop a tonne of weight (assume due to not sleeping). After 2 weeks a .1g hit feels like the first time and it's like there is zero tolerance. After a month the sleep gets a bit better for me, and then I feel like I have it in control, and fall back into the trap! And I don't get dreams in REM rebound...I get bad nightmares. Vivid ones that rock and shatter my soul.

I feel a break coming on reeeeallly soon! My tolerance is just too high, especially after recently dabbling with concentrates.

Apparently withdrawals aren't REALLY bad unless you have used cannabis heavily (2g/day in my case) for at least 7-8 years. Probably BS, but something to consider when everyone experiences different effects of stopping usage for a few weeks. I'm definitely habituated and dependent on it.


Well-Known Member
I just got off of a 10-day t-break a couple of weeks ago. It was because I was traveling in a non-weed-friendly country. I do enjoy having my tolerance reset, so it makes coming home all that much more special. I've yet to take a tolerance break that wasn't travel related, but I know I could with no ill effects if I had to, which is nice to know about yourself.

This describes my experiences to a tee :)

If I'm travelling and can't bring anything with me, then I have a t-break. If there is nothing preventing me from accessing cannabis medicine, you'd better believe I'm never taking a break ;)


Well-Known Member
If I'm travelling and can't bring anything with me, then I have a t-break.

It's for this reason I can't go anywhere that I can't get last vacation was nearly a decade ago to Cuba....never slept a single night.

However, after I go through the withdrawal...after a month or two, it's a completely different situation.

Now i'm actually getting withdrawal just from less THC, as I taper down my concentrate aren't cutting it. Noticed the same thing when I went from vaping boutique 30%+ strains from Tweed, and then switched to less potent meds....instant withdrawal.... and it happens over a period over only a week or so.

It's not going to be easy or fun....but my timing is getting better to get 'er done. I need to get back to baseline for a little while.


Well-Known Member
I do take breaks from time to time and they are always aimed at helping to manage my tolerance and sort of refresh my brain.

As I have mentioned before, I medicated strongly prior to bedtime for pain and the prevention of sleep caused by the pain. Nonetheless, I like taking a break now and then for reassurance that I can and to manage my tolerance.

When I do take a break, I am generally forced to use some small amount of pharma medication to get some sleep.

“I love my cigar too, but I take it out of my mouth every once in a while.”


Well-Known Member
Last time I took a break I was in the hospital for 5 or 6 days. In retrospect I should have had my parents bring me some hash, but all I had was flower at the time. Now I keep a stash of hash hidden away in case I end up in the hospital again...

Before that it was a week break when I traveled to France. It was no problem. I would have liked to have had weed, but I still enjoyed the trip very much.

The time in the hospital, however, was horrible. Worst way to have a break. I was pretty much sitting hooked up to an IV of fluids and magnesium, so I was forced to do nothing. I don't know how much more tolerable weed would have made it, but it would have helped me sleep.

I don't really take t breaks, but if my tolerance feels high, I'll cut back seriously. I get anxiety when I consume THC with no tolerance, so I prefer to keep somewhat of a tolerance to avoid that. Whenever I've taken a break, the first session after is so strong I find myself unable to function, and I prefer using weed to level myself out rather than get inebriated.
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Well-Known Member
Has anyone switched to CBD strains to take a break from THC without taking a break from the plant? The lowest THC % I've heard of is 0.3% which won't result in any psychoactivity for most people. Anyone know of strains with even less than 0.3% THC, or would that suffice as it is? I would love to find some that would enable me to pass a drug test without quitting vaping...if that's even possible.
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strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
I don't really take t breaks, but if my tolerance feels high, I'll cut back seriously. I get anxiety when I consume THC with no tolerance, so I prefer to keep somewhat of a tolerance to avoid that. Whenever I've taken a break, the first session after is so strong I find myself unable to function, and I prefer using weed to level myself out rather than get inebriated.

Amen. I've always found that I enjoy cannabis most when it is built up in my system. Any time I've taken a break I've found the first few times back to be rather unpleasant, with loads of anxiety.

One thing I've been looking into is adding cbd products to the daily mix for relief from a medical condition but also to compliment the high thc forms most of us enjoy regularly. There is mounting evidence that cbd (along with other cannabinoids) can ease the anxiety associated with thc resulting in an overall more pleasant experience.

I've developed a theory that cbd products may actually decrease the potential for abuse and help to stabilize tolerance. My theory is based in part on my experiences years ago with a high thc, high cbd strain, and alot of research I have been doing.

@mccringleberry I am also starting to believe that at least for myself, there are times when I truly am looking mainly for cbd, but turn to high thc strains out of habit. I'm extremely interested in trying orally ingested high cbd strains in the 5%-10% thc range and am going to test this theory out over the next few months and report back as it happens.


Active Member
I rarely take breaks. If I travel for work on a plane . .that's about it. Luckily I've been able to avoid air travel for quite a while now.

I got this time-locking box . .you put your stuff in it and then set the timer for a few minutes up to several days. This enables me to cut down without actually taking a break.

I have used it to enforce only indulging in the evenings, saving a bit of good herb for an upcoming occasion, etc. Right now I'm setting it for 4 hours at a time just to keep me from burning through my stash so fast and vaping mindlessly. Left to my own devices, an ounce might last me 5-10 days. With the box I can make it last 30 days if I want to...and my tolerance will go way down at the same time.

The one I have is called The Kitchen Safe:

$50 is a lot for what it actually is. but it has to be that much...if it was $10 I'd break it, lol.

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
I rarely take breaks. If I travel for work on a plane . .that's about it. Luckily I've been able to avoid air travel for quite a while now.

I got this time-locking box . .you put your stuff in it and then set the timer for a few minutes up to several days. This enables me to cut down without actually taking a break.

I have used it to enforce only indulging in the evenings, saving a bit of good herb for an upcoming occasion, etc. Right now I'm setting it for 4 hours at a time just to keep me from burning through my stash so fast and vaping mindlessly. Left to my own devices, an ounce might last me 5-10 days. With the box I can make it last 30 days if I want to...and my tolerance will go way down at the same time.

The one I have is called The Kitchen Safe:

$50 is a lot for what it actually is. but it has to be that much...if it was $10 I'd break it, lol.

Great idea! Not sure how long it would last for in my house but I like the thought of using it :D
strictly vapor,


Well-Known Member
I rarely take breaks. If I travel for work on a plane . .that's about it. Luckily I've been able to avoid air travel for quite a while now.

I got this time-locking box . .you put your stuff in it and then set the timer for a few minutes up to several days. This enables me to cut down without actually taking a break.

I have used it to enforce only indulging in the evenings, saving a bit of good herb for an upcoming occasion, etc. Right now I'm setting it for 4 hours at a time just to keep me from burning through my stash so fast and vaping mindlessly. Left to my own devices, an ounce might last me 5-10 days. With the box I can make it last 30 days if I want to...and my tolerance will go way down at the same time.

The one I have is called The Kitchen Safe:

$50 is a lot for what it actually is. but it has to be that much...if it was $10 I'd break it, lol.
I may get one of these. I remember when I was stopping for long periods it wasn't as hard once I got going. I could use this for the weekends big time.

Amen. I've always found that I enjoy cannabis most when it is built up in my system. Any time I've taken a break I've found the first few times back to be rather unpleasant, with loads of anxiety.

One thing I've been looking into is adding cbd products to the daily mix for relief from a medical condition but also to compliment the high thc forms most of us enjoy regularly. There is mounting evidence that cbd (along with other cannabinoids) can ease the anxiety associated with thc resulting in an overall more pleasant experience.

I've developed a theory that cbd products may actually decrease the potential for abuse and help to stabilize tolerance. My theory is based in part on my experiences years ago with a high thc, high cbd strain, and alot of research I have been doing.

@mccringleberry I am also starting to believe that at least for myself, there are times when I truly am looking mainly for cbd, but turn to high thc strains out of habit. I'm extremely interested in trying orally ingested high cbd strains in the 5%-10% thc range and am going to test this theory out over the next few months and report back as it happens.
I think this is why sometimes, I consume very little and it is powerful just the same.
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Research Geek, Mad Scientist
Me is the same

Dreaming is one of most appreciated t break benefit (the other is lowering tolerance)

Edit: i know someone call it the dreams stealer

which is one reason many PTSD patients use it.

Has anyone switched to CBD strains to take a break from THC without taking a break from the plant? The lowest THC % I've heard of is 0.3% which won't result in any psychoactivity for most people. Anyone know of strains with even less than 0.3% THC, or would that suffice as it is? I would love to find some that would enable me to pass a drug test without quitting vaping...if that's even possible.

that 0.3% number is the dividing line between 'cannabis' and 'industrial hemp' (which has to be under 0.3%).

The closest I've come is an AC/DC variety that tested out around 20% CBD and 0.74% THC in flower, and while I know some folks are supposed to make a vaporizable CBD product, if it's made from standard processes (and not adding an isolate to MCT or something), the best I've found for concentrate has been around a 4:1 ratio (CBD-THC), which is still enough CBD to modulate the THC and make it fairly unnoticeable.

Whether that works for a 'break', I dunno. Worth testing the hypothesis, willing candidates? :)
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Well-Known Member
Whether that works for a 'break', I dunno. Worth testing the hypothesis, willing candidates? :)

Since my withdrawals are so ridiculous, i've tried it. I heard that CBD brings down tolerance to THC, but can't confirm if it's true or not. In the end, I hated it... I didn't like the feeling, and it didn't seem to help me with the process. I'd rather just abstain.

I'm definitely going through some sort of concentrate withdrawal.... after a few crappy nights sleep and sweats, yesterday I upped my dose and slept alot better with much less sweats.

And so begins the cutting back..... i'm thinking about trying the Dr. Sulak Resensitization technique, to reduce my tolerance, and then take a break.


Well-Known Member
And there is this one:

Since I slept so awesome last night, for the first time in a LONG time, I have had ZERO desire to vape today! Last sesh was 9ish, and I usually have one right before bed at 10, but as I was loading my bowl, I realized I was already well medicated, and starting to get super tired, so instead of that last sesh, I crashed and slept great. It's now nearly 4pm, so 18 hours since my last sesh....not bad...maybe i'll wait until 4:20!

I've unfortunately probably screwed myself for sleep tonight though.....
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