The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 148 57.4%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.9%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.8%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.5%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.3%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 54 20.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck i'm now tripping balls bro! So we both have been abusing for 10 years....I fucked combustion just over 10 years ago. I completely agree with a strong focus on diet, water, exercise, etc. and like you I am very anti-pharma.

Now for the biggest trip out. Every single time i've quit it's been like fucking heroin withdrawals, and sleep takes the biggest dive (non existent basically for a few weeks, 1-2hours/night)....basically I have to go through complete hell for minimum 1 month. I have to also say that i've been diagnosed with a mood disorder, adhd, and have some ptsd from working in the emerg services. I've been prescribed a few different meds, none of which i've ever taken though.

Until now.... I knew how shitty i'd feel today since it's day 1, however decided to finally cave and try some pharmas for the short term to get me through it. So, at 7:45am I forced myself (usually don't eat breakfast as I fast) to eat 2 eggs and a turkey sausage and some carrot juice, and I included a 18mg concerta as part of the breakfast. After about an hour and a bit, I felt "different".

This has been the BEST 1st day ever from withdrawing, as I had ZERO cravings or desire, and the focus and lack of a "racing mind" has been a godsend! Where have I been all of my life? lol I know i'll quickly reach tolerance and need double dose, so i'm treading carefully and probably won't take it everyday, and hoping to never take it again after i'm through with the next several weeks.

The only problem is, and not much different from vaping recently, I never really get drowsy enough to initiate and maintain sleep. I have some heavy meds for this, but still don't wanna take them yet as I fear dependence. I obviously have a very addictive personality!


Well-Known Member
My work does a quarterly random tests, 10 or so employees out of 300 get selected and it's almost exactly every 3 months. However, I said to myself once I got a job that I could not get the same $$ somewhere else I would stop until I figured out the exact timing of these randoms. Basically the next random could be anytime between now and early May so I have quit. I have one of those synthetic urine kits but I don't know they just seem sketchy to me, I'm probably just paranoid though.

So far for a week in I seem to have a dull headache daily but that could be this 7 day detox I'm doing. Besides that I, like others have mentioned have started to dream again.

It sucks but quiting cancer sticks 15 years ago was so much harder..this is just an inconvenience!
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Well-Known Member
It all depends on the individual...i'm on a couple of withdrawal/drug support forums, and i've seen it more than a few times that people have said quitting tobacco was easier than weed, but it all depends on your chemistry. On the cannabisrehab forum one member said that quitting was the hardest thing he's ever done in his life, and that included beating hodgkins lymphoma or something. The thing is, some people have very long usage histories, and apparently there comes a time (I think 7 or 8 years) where withdrawal can become a complete real life nightmare that takes months, if not years to recover from. No shit, 2 years to recover, and there are some that are still not the same.

And ofcourse, there is fucking PAWS.... just when you thought you were in the clear.

With that said, i've been heavily dependent on caffeine, and that was no joke either for several weeks.

For me, everything always targets my sleep! But a few years back I took a break and would get the worst migraines i've ever experienced in my life by doing heavy exertion activity, especially hot yoga. I always blamed it on whatever chemicals/fertilizers were used by whoever grew the stuff. But realize how much time it takes the brain to rebalance after a protracted exposure to exogenous phytocannabinoids.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the individual...i'm on a couple of withdrawal/drug support forums, and i've seen it more than a few times that people have said quitting tobacco was easier than weed, but it all depends on your chemistry. On the cannabisrehab forum one member said that quitting was the hardest thing he's ever done in his life, and that included beating hodgkins lymphoma or something. The thing is, some people have very long usage histories, and apparently there comes a time (I think 7 or 8 years) where withdrawal can become a complete real life nightmare that takes months, if not years to recover from. No shit, 2 years to recover, and there are some that are still not the same.

And ofcourse, there is fucking PAWS.... just when you thought you were in the clear.

With that said, i've been heavily dependent on caffeine, and that was no joke either for several weeks.

For me, everything always targets my sleep! But a few years back I took a break and would get the worst migraines i've ever experienced in my life by doing heavy exertion activity, especially hot yoga. I always blamed it on whatever chemicals/fertilizers were used by whoever grew the stuff. But realize how much time it takes the brain to rebalance after a protracted exposure to exogenous phytocannabinoids.

Curious, have you ever tried Kratom? I had a buddy that had very similar, eerie similar symptoms that you described and it was a godsend for him.
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Well-Known Member
No! But thanks! I've heard of it somewhere vape it yeah? I'm willing to try anything, i've decided to not take any sleeping meds tonight, we'll see how it's still early, the real withdrawals don't start for another day or 2 and then peak at days 4-10 and then extremely very slowly start to subside.

Off to research's gotta be better for you than meth adhd meds?

Oh and BTW @61reissue not that you care anymore, but the GH finally went belly up! lol I've sold all 4 of mine in favour of the supreme.

strictly vapor

Well-Known Member
Holy fuck i'm now tripping balls bro! So we both have been abusing for 10 years....I fucked combustion just over 10 years ago. I completely agree with a strong focus on diet, water, exercise, etc. and like you I am very anti-pharma.

Now for the biggest trip out. Every single time i've quit it's been like fucking heroin withdrawals, and sleep takes the biggest dive (non existent basically for a few weeks, 1-2hours/night)....basically I have to go through complete hell for minimum 1 month. I have to also say that i've been diagnosed with a mood disorder, adhd, and have some ptsd from working in the emerg services. I've been prescribed a few different meds, none of which i've ever taken though.

Until now.... I knew how shitty i'd feel today since it's day 1, however decided to finally cave and try some pharmas for the short term to get me through it. So, at 7:45am I forced myself (usually don't eat breakfast as I fast) to eat 2 eggs and a turkey sausage and some carrot juice, and I included a 18mg concerta as part of the breakfast. After about an hour and a bit, I felt "different".

This has been the BEST 1st day ever from withdrawing, as I had ZERO cravings or desire, and the focus and lack of a "racing mind" has been a godsend! Where have I been all of my life? lol I know i'll quickly reach tolerance and need double dose, so i'm treading carefully and probably won't take it everyday, and hoping to never take it again after i'm through with the next several weeks.

The only problem is, and not much different from vaping recently, I never really get drowsy enough to initiate and maintain sleep. I have some heavy meds for this, but still don't wanna take them yet as I fear dependence. I obviously have a very addictive personality!

I know all about the concerta! And it does fill a bit of a gap for sure. I always preferred ritilin, but found them all to be difficult to use long term. Addictive personality is what keeps me limited to cannabis, as I know I have reasonable control over it most of the time and have learned in the past that for me other substances have a worse spiral, but everything needs to get respected.

I find eating a massive breakfast helps A LOT wth morning cravings. Definitely do your research on kratom before using it!


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck i'm now tripping balls bro! So we both have been abusing for 10 years....I fucked combustion just over 10 years ago. I completely agree with a strong focus on diet, water, exercise, etc. and like you I am very anti-pharma.

Now for the biggest trip out. Every single time i've quit it's been like fucking heroin withdrawals, and sleep takes the biggest dive (non existent basically for a few weeks, 1-2hours/night)....basically I have to go through complete hell for minimum 1 month. I have to also say that i've been diagnosed with a mood disorder, adhd, and have some ptsd from working in the emerg services. I've been prescribed a few different meds, none of which i've ever taken though.

Until now.... I knew how shitty i'd feel today since it's day 1, however decided to finally cave and try some pharmas for the short term to get me through it. So, at 7:45am I forced myself (usually don't eat breakfast as I fast) to eat 2 eggs and a turkey sausage and some carrot juice, and I included a 18mg concerta as part of the breakfast. After about an hour and a bit, I felt "different".

This has been the BEST 1st day ever from withdrawing, as I had ZERO cravings or desire, and the focus and lack of a "racing mind" has been a godsend! Where have I been all of my life? lol I know i'll quickly reach tolerance and need double dose, so i'm treading carefully and probably won't take it everyday, and hoping to never take it again after i'm through with the next several weeks.

The only problem is, and not much different from vaping recently, I never really get drowsy enough to initiate and maintain sleep. I have some heavy meds for this, but still don't wanna take them yet as I fear dependence. I obviously have a very addictive personality!
These situations really do sound harsh. Im wracking my brain to search for old memories of ideas I have come across and forgotten. I like to always believe in solution, that is natural in nature, if with a compromise.

My trouble is, because I can never tolerate anything myself, I forget about things I come across. Normally the obvious suggestion would be high dose cbd oil. But Im sure I dont need to tell you that, so Im guessing it either doesnt help you much, is too expensive, or other.

I always want to believe there is a solution at hand and have a great will to help. But Im sure you have done tons of research and tried everything you can.
Have you ever tried clove tea? With ground cloves I mean? That is a strong sleep aid I swear. Im allergic to it, but it really sedates. Not the easiest to drink, but very effective for both getting to sleep and staying there, and getting back to sleep.

What about lavender essential oil? I get the best essential oils from this American company. This lavender below is said to be really good for deep sleep:

And I kniw they use that herb I mentioned to you in withdrawal clinics, "taheebo". I just looked it up and found this link,
Some suggestions there- "Detoxing from: Cannabis - Valerian Root, Calamus Root, Taheebo Bark (Cleanse)".

Another interesting link I found-
Ashwaghanda looks good.

And there is also thus "black box brain tuner" treatment. Said to be very effective for addiction, withdrawals. There is a charity drug addict place in our town they have one of these and offer it to addicts. It balances neurotransmitters in the brain.
I found a model available in NZ -

Just google "Bob Beck brain tuner" for more info and history.
Just some ideas anyway cos I really wanna help. Myself, I struggle like fuck to go without weed, but it is almost purely mental.
But I only ever use organic weed with low basic natural ferts. When I used to vape chemical weed in higher amounts for even 4 weeks straight, I would go through hell for ages after I stopped. Especially night sweats, which always took a few days to come on.

Nowadays,,when I break, it seems like all the physical stuff is over within 36 hours. No sweating at all. But my depression is so severe due to my illness, and with the allergies etc and no job, friends, hobbies, cant go on holiday, or even out for a meal, away for a night etc, etc- there is no pleasure in life due to my symptoms being so demanding 24/7.

Weed is the only remedy I can just about tolerate to keep me from losing the plot with stress, so its the lesser evil.
Also my stomach doesnt work for many reasons but I cant take probiotics or any other digestive supplements. Canna-coconut oil is a godsend for my digestion, so it is even harder than ever these days to go without it when there is always a jar in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
Hey Strictly, is Kratom not safe? I have not researched it yet, but will do so today. Yeah that 18mg concerta was incredible, however I could not initiate sleep, but that's probably due to the withdrawal but could also be the stimulant forsure. I took 50mg of trazadone, after an after realized it was doing nothing, so 25mg seroquel, and that didn't do much either but I manage maybe 2-3 broken hours, and had bad sweats. No concerta today, i'm not feeling great but not like death either, but that probably will change in a week lol. I'm just trialing out what life will be like without vaping chronically all the time, but once I get through it i'll go back to it, and if i'm suffering without it due to my medical conditions, then I will go back to it and not look back. I'd much rather be addicted to vaping herb than taking pills.

Thanks so much @Alexis for your feedback and help. I've tried some of the solutions you've mentioned but not others, and find them very intriguing. Honestly, nothing works....I have to rough this out with time, nutrition, lots of rest, water, etc. The only thing that will let me sleep is a strong drug that will knock me out and make me feel like shit the next day. I already regret taking what I did last night, but that was probably due to way too low of a dose. I'm actually starting to get some slight anxiety now before bed, because I don't have that "warm cozy blanket" feeling of being medicated to lull me off to sleep. It's like I need to relearn sleep hygiene and not just "pass out", although I fucking loved doing that! lol

I feel for you with your health conditions bro, alot of it sounds much similar to my own, which is why I can understand how much this sacred plant improves the quality of your life. And thanks for sharing about how chemical weed caused you night sweats but natural organic did not. When I return to vaping, I have found a source that is 100% organic and tests, etc. It's super expensive, but if I dial my usage down by 50-75% it shouldn't be a problem.

So far so good far this has been the best initial day of withdrawal i've ever had! Day 2!


Well-Known Member
Hey Strictly, is Kratom not safe? I have not researched it yet, but will do so today. Yeah that 18mg concerta was incredible, however I could not initiate sleep, but that's probably due to the withdrawal but could also be the stimulant forsure. I took 50mg of trazadone, after an after realized it was doing nothing, so 25mg seroquel, and that didn't do much either but I manage maybe 2-3 broken hours, and had bad sweats. No concerta today, i'm not feeling great but not like death either, but that probably will change in a week lol. I'm just trialing out what life will be like without vaping chronically all the time, but once I get through it i'll go back to it, and if i'm suffering without it due to my medical conditions, then I will go back to it and not look back. I'd much rather be addicted to vaping herb than taking pills.

Thanks so much @Alexis for your feedback and help. I've tried some of the solutions you've mentioned but not others, and find them very intriguing. Honestly, nothing works....I have to rough this out with time, nutrition, lots of rest, water, etc. The only thing that will let me sleep is a strong drug that will knock me out and make me feel like shit the next day. I already regret taking what I did last night, but that was probably due to way too low of a dose. I'm actually starting to get some slight anxiety now before bed, because I don't have that "warm cozy blanket" feeling of being medicated to lull me off to sleep. It's like I need to relearn sleep hygiene and not just "pass out", although I fucking loved doing that! lol

I feel for you with your health conditions bro, alot of it sounds much similar to my own, which is why I can understand how much this sacred plant improves the quality of your life. And thanks for sharing about how chemical weed caused you night sweats but natural organic did not. When I return to vaping, I have found a source that is 100% organic and tests, etc. It's super expensive, but if I dial my usage down by 50-75% it shouldn't be a problem.

So far so good far this has been the best initial day of withdrawal i've ever had! Day 2!
When I vape heavily for a longish period (heavy for me anyway, not for you though), It is managing my respiratory symptoms that does me in. It is a 24/7 task anyway without vapong, just to keep eating 2 meals a day- I can never eat nearly enough, and am hugely underweight.
It is just so much hassle to eat more and deal with the mucus, I prefer to eat the bare minimum and spend less time and enrgu managaing the mucus round the clock.

It also is almost impossible to actually eat due to permemant throat inflammation and thick mucus from my mouth all the way down into lungs, and intestines. As soon as I put food in my mouth mucus is produced in bulk, making it impossible to chew the food, like drinking 8at the same time. It also blocks the digestive saliva from reacting with the food or even contacting it, which is a vital part of the digestive process.

So it takes me at least an hour, up to 1.7 hours at times, to eat a proper meal. Then up to 2 hours to clear the lung congestion immediately afterwards. And I have to cook every single thing I eat due to problems with virtually all publically available food.

Im especially intolerant to the poison that is refined vegetable oil, which has been forced with geat deception into most public and pracfically all take away food worldwide- simply as a weapon against humanity it is so health destroying. Seriously, no joke I swear, I know about this shit, it makes me mad.

Im lucky that I cant eat it, my health is so much better for eating a natural, whole home cooked diet. But it is a pain in the arse to never be able to eat without cooking at home. Washing up etc, on top of the time to eat and deal with mucus.

Like 3 hours easy to eat every time, twice a day. Plus symptom management round the clock.
There is no type of bread I can tolerate. I mean healthy, yeast free breads that are allowed in my ideal world! Sourdough rye, sprouted wheat/rye/spelt etc.

These foods cause too much mucus, as does fruit, raw veg, raw nuts.
So when I am vaporizing to enjoy life a bit more, it is literally non stop all day to eat, symptoms, vapor, symptoms from the weed allergy, etc, etc, eat again. There is no time to sleep!

I am really good at dealing with the mucus, having developed ingenious rituals and ,ethods over the years, but there is no corner cutting! It just comes back to bite me quickly and I will start to choke, also not be able to speak due to mucus building up in my vocal chords.

So it is an exhausting affair that wracks my body. I go on vaping for as lomg as I can, beczuse the more knackered I am and the worse my chest gets, it is the only way of feeling okay!
So whenI finally HAVE to stop due to being too exhausted, I have all hell to pay for. That first day off at such times (at bad times), there is simply no light to be seen!

I am totally fucked. I cant do anything, or think straight. There is always a complete change the following day. By the second day off, virtually all physical side effects of the vaporizing are gone, except my weakened state from not giving myself a break in life.

But here is my point- I am totally like you in the way that I just cant wait to get back to it, and every time I get out of this state only to head back in there for another run.

The number of times I have had to suffer this way, in morbid misery. It is crazy! Totally different from ypur situations of course, but a similar mental aspect I feel!
We are crazy no?
Like you say, you just need to ride it out now. There are also definite benefits. I do also feel as well, that because I cant tolerate cbd oil, if I stop vaping, I am not getting my health preserving cannabinoids, and in various ways my system can be more prone to health compications.

The irony! It messes me up due to the allergies etc, but it also supports the homeostatsis element of my body.


@Alexis All my naturopath doctors use a raw fruit diet to clear out and eliminate mucus, it's the alkalinity that is needed in our acidic bodies. The bodies first disease is dehydration which comes from an acidic diet. We are biologically designed to get our hydration from the food we eat, but instead we cook all the water out and use a bunch of salt and seasonings to boost our altered tastebuds to eat food we aren't adapted to eat. Thus we wash everything down with dirty unstructured inorganic mineral water poisoned with fluoride, pesticide run offs, pharmaceutical waste, colorants, deodorants, and various other poisons. This blocks the lymph system from properly eliminating waste (they don't teach doctors about the lymph system) Have you tried long term water fasting? 30-40 days under supervision? Refined oils are toxic yep, with oils they are often rancid and GMO already, and when heated denatures them and changes the chemical structure, resulting in something which can not be recognized or eliminated, so it stores as a toxin using fat to buffer the body for its own protection.


Well-Known Member
So nice to be in the room amongst people who know something about health and nutrition. Have you guys ever heard of Dr. Jack Kruse? He's quite controversial, but I have yet to find a more intelligent competent person that knows that health goes beyond diet. Light is huge....structured water....and magnetism....he calls it the 3 legged stool. Diet comes after although obviously still important, as is sleep.... food is just energy for our mitochondria from the sun. Check him out, he's even pro cannabis although I haven't seen his webinar on the topic (gotta pay).


So nice to be in the room amongst people who know something about health and nutrition. Have you guys ever heard of Dr. Jack Kruse? He's quite controversial, but I have yet to find a more intelligent competent person that knows that health goes beyond diet. Light is huge....structured water....and magnetism....he calls it the 3 legged stool. Diet comes after although obviously still important, as is sleep.... food is just energy for our mitochondria from the sun. Check him out, he's even pro cannabis although I haven't seen his webinar on the topic (gotta pay).

Sun Light is important, most people over eat because they don't get enough life force energy from the sun and have jobs which make it difficult to obtain vitamin D. And not eating with the sun... We should never eat first thing in the morning, or late at night. The "day light diet" helps support a healthy circadian rhythm. Plus we wear clothes and abuse our bodies with skin surfactants like deodorants, lotions, soaps, body wash, sun screen, etc which clog pores and prevent the skin from functioning properly. We live on light, research "bio photons" and Kirlian photography of food.



Well-Known Member
@Alexis All my naturopath doctors use a raw fruit diet to clear out and eliminate mucus, it's the alkalinity that is needed in our acidic bodies. The bodies first disease is dehydration which comes from an acidic diet. We are biologically designed to get our hydration from the food we eat, but instead we cook all the water out and use a bunch of salt and seasonings to boost our altered tastebuds to eat food we aren't adapted to eat. Thus we wash everything down with dirty unstructured inorganic mineral water poisoned with fluoride, pesticide run offs, pharmaceutical waste, colorants, deodorants, and various other poisons. This blocks the lymph system from properly eliminating waste (they don't teach doctors about the lymph system) Have you tried long term water fasting? 30-40 days under supervision? Refined oils are toxic yep, with oils they are often rancid and GMO already, and when heated denatures them and changes the chemical structure, resulting in something which can not be recognized or eliminated, so it stores as a toxin using fat to buffer the body for its own protection.
Thanks for your ideas and info. I wont disagree but my case is very unusaul. I simply cannot tolerate any fruit at all. The mucus production is simply unbearable and unending, no mattr how long I follow a particular regime/diet.

It is dangerous and I choke amd nearly suffocate. It is complicated but I am in a true catch 22 situation as the fire is much worse than the frying pan!

I did actualy attempt a long water fast 5 years ago. It was a very bad idea. Things have changed withinnour bodies and total fasting is not suitable for most people now as our bodies have become too toxic.
It can actually be dangerous. I forced myself throuh 8 days and nights. I should not have done more than 2 days maximum. One must be supervised to undertake a long fast.

The fast resulted in my condition becomimg 100 times worse. My energy went down dramatically and had nevr recovered. I developed chronic urine infections and have not gotten clear to this day.
My immune system was greatly weakened by the fast which simply was not right for my body.
Fasting used to be totally different. I have always been very thin, needing lots of food to maintain weight.
There are also so many different schools of thought on what is the right way to live.
For example, there is a bundle of theory about raw being the way,,and raw not being the way.

Meat eating not good, meat eating good. I looked into so much different perspectives looking for answers. The famous Weston Price studied cultures all over the world examining diets and health,,and found excellent health into ripe, ripe old age, disease free communities who based thier diets around meat.

Also each body is different. I am blood type O, the hunter gatherer. I really suffer without flesh foods. Blood type A is more capable of living healthiliy on a vegetarian diet.

Im not disagreeing with you, but I really dont believe that things are so straight forward amd black and white.

Like some swear by distilled water, others are adamant it is only for short term and leaches minerals out of the body.

We have not had our local water fluoridated for 5 years due to a plant upgrade, and since theeir has been a campaign to suspend it. It was finally succesful, the council voted agaimst it despite the governments bullshit propaganda to dumb us all down etc.

Now the governement have refused to accept this and insisted on a public consultation. More brainwashing and propaganda to come.
We do magnetise all of our drinking and cooking water as well, which restores its vital life force and restructures it.
We use North pole magnetised water. But plants love South pole water. It stimulates growth and yield, but can encourage pathogens in humans and animals.

It really works though. Try giving any houseplant South pole water and watch ot butst into growth!

There is so much I base this on which is very valid and worthy of discussion, but my brain, memory and intellect isnt up to it. My hands are truly tied in terms of being able to follow advice and guidance such as from a naturopath. It really is impossible for me to follow the recomendations, and believe me I am as strong willed as they come.

I have to do what I know is right for me and make small steps. I expect some radical changes once all my long running infections are clear at last for the first time in 12 years since getting the Lyme Disease. Then my nervous and immune systems can be "reset", and everythimg may change making it possible for me to explore the routes you have suggested.

Im getting real close. It is just round the corner, I just need some luck now, and to keep my head together which is where Im really struggling!


Well-Known Member
Great post Alexis and Inverted, as mentioned it's nice to be in the company of intelligent cannabis enthusiasts! I love Westin Price although have not read the Nutrition and Degeneration book. You're right everyone is different, I would die on a vegan diet (i'm type O like you) but I do know that you can live a long healthy life on one too...everyone is different. It sounds like we all have some background in alternative health (Dr Mercola?) so it's nice to be on similar levels.

I feel horrible. I know it's the pharma in my system as well as lack of sleep. I'm done with the pharma, tossed in the garbage. I'd rather just face this withdrawal straight on without an extra chemicals in my system. This drowsy zombie feeling is lasting way too long.

I'll keep the concerta on hand when needed, but all these other poisons are going bye bye.

I really understand how weed can eliminate the need for multiple pharma drugs, however it's still a drug, and in the wrong doses can cause side effects.

Oh yeah Alexis, you do know that The Blood Type Diet is actually bunk? Perhaps there is "something" to it, but overall has been made a mockery of...?


It's true there are many schools of thought regarding health. I follow the one which makes the most sense to me, a natural livity. To be honest, I don't believe there is more than one natural diet, I follow the school of thought that we are all physiologically one in the same, though I know it's a popular belief that we are all different, there is no anatomical evidence that would suggest so.

People have difficulty fasting because the bodies are so toxic, it's true, though it's still one of the best ways to truly heal. The first week is the hardest, you experience many reactionary flu like symptoms as the body begins cleaning. Very intense stuff! I remember feeling like I had zero energy, I could black out at any moment. Many do other liquid fasts now to support the organs of elimination, makes for an easier, safer fast; but takes a lot longer to cure. Anyways I don't like flesh foods. They can't be eaten without developing parasitic intestinal worms, takes too long to eliminate with our digestive tracts and ends up putrefying in our intestines (hence body odor) plus when cooked you de-nature the protein so you have to deal with IGF-1 protein, and the accompanying acids; starts the dehydration cycle for sure as we have no taste receptors for protein in meat, hence our obsession with grilling, smoking, roasting, etc to coax a palatable flavor from it.

I believe distilled water is a miracle... Though the BEST water is from raw organic wild fruits - structured, tasty, and minerals in uptakeable bio absorbable organic form. It's important to research from all perspectives, you guys all seem pretty open minded which is what you need in the search for health. There's no way to validate what's really right and what's wrong, all we can do is quantify ourselves with our experience and experiments.

As for me? I know sickness cause I'm the healer.


Well-Known Member
I respect your opinions and ideas bro, and am super open minded. I may not agree with them, but I will consider them, and who knows....perhaps stop eating flesh, which is something i've been considering, but not really due to health reasons, but more so because i'm really starting to dislike the thought of eating meat unless it is fish. This is new for me, as i've been always a big paleo diet eater...meat and veggies as staples, some fruits (not too much fructose), nuts, seeds, and water. Pretty much still is my diet, although I do eat some rice and sometimes potato. What do you eat bro? Without meat, it's all carbs! Inflammatory grains?

I'm really trying to figure out my diet....I walk into a grocery store, and can pretty much walk out empty, because EVERYTHING is bad for you!

Unless you are growing your own food, whether meat or veggies, I think we're all pretty much screwed. Even the organic shit is grown on the sides of super highways.


Well-Known Member
Great post Alexis and Inverted, as mentioned it's nice to be in the company of intelligent cannabis enthusiasts! I love Westin Price although have not read the Nutrition and Degeneration book. You're right everyone is different, I would die on a vegan diet (i'm type O like you) but I do know that you can live a long healthy life on one too...everyone is different. It sounds like we all have some background in alternative health (Dr Mercola?) so it's nice to be on similar levels.

I feel horrible. I know it's the pharma in my system as well as lack of sleep. I'm done with the pharma, tossed in the garbage. I'd rather just face this withdrawal straight on without an extra chemicals in my system. This drowsy zombie feeling is lasting way too long.

I'll keep the concerta on hand when needed, but all these other poisons are going bye bye.

I really understand how weed can eliminate the need for multiple pharma drugs, however it's still a drug, and in the wrong doses can cause side effects.

Oh yeah Alexis, you do know that The Blood Type Diet is actually bunk? Perhaps there is "something" to it, but overall has been made a mockery of...?
I am certainly open to that. However even when things have been supposedly debunked, I cant feel certain that method or analysis was valid.
So so much misinformation. Im sure we could get to the root of it all if the whole of humanity worked together for truth, justice and idealism.

The opprressive world rulers have succeeded in making this impossible and burying or muddying the truth wherever they can, especially when the truth will benefit us.

I try and stay open to all possibilities and take on board all points of view and incorporate that into a theoretical framework. This is where it is so tricky, with so many contrasting and contradictory viewpoints and schools of thought, seemingly with strong foundations and evidence.
In the end, I conclude that only God knows (figure of speech), I keep a fully open mind regarding the divine etc as well.

I often say, "I am wiling to believe anything, but I dont necessarily believe anything."
Its the only way to be truly open minded, to be prepared to rewrite everything.
I dont really know anyhting (as the great Socrates professed). I just try and make sense and unerstand.

Actually, when I was at university, I picked up the nick name "Socrates". Just because I was naturally so pure in spirit amd original thinking, not in any way pretentious.

And at the same time, in my home town, I was known by many as "Jesus", due to being a natural preacher amd visionary. But totally genuine and real in every sense. A very loved person I have always been for being so humble, honest and real. The quality of being "real" is so precious with so much superficiality, ingenuinity amd pretensiousness around.

Hang in there Biohacker, be strong. I can tell you are a strong person. And I know you are also totally real as well, for which I respect you. But suffering is never easy. You just have to stay strong now, amd figure out how to align yourself in a better position so that you can cope more comfortably with withdrawals in the future.

Things can always be different, if we put in the effort and can understand how to make the right changes. I strive for improvement always and am a great believer in transformation.
I hope you start getting some surprising relief very soon, much sooner than you expect.


I respect your opinions and ideas bro, and am super open minded. I may not agree with them, but I will consider them, and who knows....perhaps stop eating flesh, which is something i've been considering, but not really due to health reasons, but more so because i'm really starting to dislike the thought of eating meat unless it is fish. This is new for me, as i've been always a big paleo diet eater...meat and veggies as staples, some fruits (not too much fructose), nuts, seeds, and water. Pretty much still is my diet, although I do eat some rice and sometimes potato. What do you eat bro? Without meat, it's all carbs! Inflammatory grains?

I'm really trying to figure out my diet....I walk into a grocery store, and can pretty much walk out empty, because EVERYTHING is bad for you!

Unless you are growing your own food, whether meat or veggies, I think we're all pretty much screwed. Even the organic shit is grown on the sides of super highways.

I know it's a sensitive subject, all I can say is I recommend trying it for at least a year before really forming an opinion on a meat free diet. I can say that I speak from experiencing both sides and know which one I feel and look better on. I would say anyone that hasn't tried it long enough is still operating under bias. It's these walls we break down anyway throughout life.

I'm not scared of fructose, my teachers are all the healthiest and best looking, in my opinion, and thrive on it. Lots of people thriving on a high carb diet bro! Changed my life man. The fact of the matter is that carbs and fats don't mix well, so as long as you stay high fat OR high carb you'll be doing WAY better than mixing the two. Most of our favorite foods are from the intense sensation our brains receive from the salt/sugar/fat combination. Now they use food scientists to find out what is chemically irresistible to us and use it to formulate junk food.

I would agree most "grains" are inflammatory, though technically all cooked food is, so it's not alone. Potatoes and other roots /tubers are closest to fruit in their protein/fat/carb ratio so are the best bet for starches. I recommend sweet potato or something with colored flesh as it will have more phytonutrients. You can also try pseudograins like quinoa or wild rice which are technically seeds. Or garbanzo beans, which is an older bean than other cultivars.

Personally I need that high vibrational fruit, lots of sunshine, a morning meditation, maybe a bit of herb to puff... :D

Anyways yeah, most stuff at the grocery store is garbage. It's basically all under ripe so it doesn't have any nutrition anyways. I have a local farm stand 10 minutes away who runs a little organic operation, that's really my safest bet. If you don't know where stuff is being grown it's impossible to know what you're getting, just like with herb! We all need to stop paying for food and create homestead communal Eco gardens, and come together to support each other instead of an employer, just as all species do, and return to the garden/ the free world. We need to support each other as a species!


Well-Known Member
Great stuff guys.....really great stuff.....

Alexis, well said dude, i'm similar very open including spirituality, but don't really believe in anything but open to everything....that's gold bro! It is difficult to digest everything out there with so many opposing viewpoints, but in the end it's up to us to decide what works the best for us.

Inverted, you obviously know your shit because bang on it's either high carb or high fat....protein should always be moderate/low IMO, as too much emphasis is put on quantity, and not quality. I just am a huge believer of low carb diets....I have seen what happens with low fat, and I don't like it.

I'm a firefighter, and my crewmate went vegan over 3 years ago. Although he says he feels great, lighter and stronger than ever, he's lost a shit tonne of muscle, and I can't even imagine what his free testosterone is like now without the fats he used to consume. I know there are great fats like olives, coconut, etc. but quality saturated fat is not as evil as it's been made out to be...stearic acid is a huge antioxidant.

Anyways, this thread is going way offtopic with diet talk! lol is the #1 natural health site on the internet. I basically believe everything this guy says, same with Jack Kruse... I suppose we all have our own teachers. I did come from the Fit For Life natural hygiene camps from back in the day too! I've been researching diet, health, and fitness since I was 15, and i'm 41 now, all due to a chiropractor in the family lol


Check out Rip Esselstynn. Pretty well known in the high carb community, as the son of Dr Caldwell Esselstynn, anyway he's a firefighter too and has a lot to say about it.

The fact of the matter is vegan is a broad term and can mean a bunch of different diets. It's hard to say without knowing what he's really consuming. It's pretty easy to be vegan and eat really unhealthy these days. A "whole foods" based diet is a better term than vegan, vegan is more of an ethical viewpoint that happens to have its own set of dietary restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am very open to what Mercola says on all subjects, also I have read a lot of interesting ideas from Chris Kresser, much of which is compatible with Mercola.
However, I feel that the danger is when people come across as being right about everything, and really believe that they are. Nobody is right about everything, or has all the answers (if any, in the humblest opinion).

In life, the people who are the most convincing often dont know what they are talking about. And the people who do are often unconvincing, because they dont arrogantly presume to have all the dots...etc.
Im not directing this at either of those 2 guys, just something I have observed. Sometimes you just have to take things with a pinch of salt lest you may be pulled astray despite good intentions.

@invertedisdead totally right about the vegan thing. Just because it isnt from animals, doesnt mean it is healthy or right for you.
What I have emphasised for years, is the quality amd form amd origin of whatever food you eat. As ntural, whole, unrefined amd non toxic as possible, whatever you chosen way of eating, will go an awful long way to nurtuting health.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Inverted, I will look him up, although i'm almost scared to because I keep thinking it will be like "30 bananas a day) high carb durian ryder. I always thought that Vegan meant ZERO animal products or derivatives. I like the term whole foods diet..... but would not meat and dairy be included in "whole foods"? I guess it's all about interpretation.

I'm well versed with Chris Kresser.... and a bunch of other biohackers, I listen to too many podcasts lol Ben Greenfield is pretty awesome too. You don't hear about anything vegan in biohacking circles that's forsure, although many are all former vegetarians. You're so right though, nobody is right about anything....

@Alexis don't you love Mercola's views on our favourite plant!? Refreshing!
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Well-Known Member
Night #2..... same as night #1, a few hours of broken sweaty sleep, however I feel way better this morning because I didn't take any pharma so no hangover this morning. Still feel exhausted and like ass, but so far this is the best (knock on wood) most tolerated first couple of days cannabis-free i've had. My last break was exactly 1 year ago, and i've been hitting it hard daily since then.

I'm really motivated and focussed on my nutrition and making sure i'm getting alot of quality fats i've been eating alot of raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, and sardines for omega 3's! I'm also pounding the water and today it's supposed to be sunny and warm so a nicely recharging nature walk will happen at some point. I'm also juicing alot of veggies....i'm not a vegetarian but I probably eat more vegetables than vegetarians!

After only a couple of days, I feel like a "fog" or cloud has been lifted...and I feel a sense of being happier, more calm, less emotional, and just a little bit cleaner. However, I know that the sleep deprivation is creeping up, and I will have a challenging road still ahead.


Well-Known Member
Night #2..... same as night #1, a few hours of broken sweaty sleep, however I feel way better this morning because I didn't take any pharma so no hangover this morning. Still feel exhausted and like ass, but so far this is the best (knock on wood) most tolerated first couple of days cannabis-free i've had. My last break was exactly 1 year ago, and i've been hitting it hard daily since then.

I'm really motivated and focussed on my nutrition and making sure i'm getting alot of quality fats i've been eating alot of raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, and sardines for omega 3's! I'm also pounding the water and today it's supposed to be sunny and warm so a nicely recharging nature walk will happen at some point. I'm also juicing alot of veggies....i'm not a vegetarian but I probably eat more vegetables than vegetarians!

After only a couple of days, I feel like a "fog" or cloud has been lifted...and I feel a sense of being happier, more calm, less emotional, and just a little bit cleaner. However, I know that the sleep deprivation is creeping up, and I will have a challenging road still ahead.
That is great news Biohacker. Clearly something has changed within you for this break to be more comfortable in numerous ways. I reckon you ,ight as well give the clove tea a shot. It is surprisingly powerful. Even if you just get an extra half hour sleep, any sleep you do get will likely be more restful. You need ground cloves though. Any amount, like a level teaspoon at least. More is stronger, but the only side effect really is the taste!

Your diet sounds really good for sure. Regarding what we were saying yesterday, I am neither high fat, nor high carbs- more of a mix.

My diet is high fat, because I simply cant eat enough carbs to keep my weight up. I have to cook all my carbs for a start. The closer I eat to 200 grams carbs a day, the bettr I feel, the better I sleep and the more energy I have.
But carbs cause a fair bit of mucus. The only foods that dont cause mucus and make my chest worse, are actually flesh foods- meat and fish.

Beans cause a lot more mucus than carbs, and nuts are the worst mucus causing food I currently include in my diet for variety sake.
My chest REALLY suffers every time I eat nuts or seeds however. This is one reason why, if I did stop eating meat and fish, I would have to suffer like hell to get enough protein. And still get too weak and thin within days.

I aim for 100 to 180 grams carbs per day, from: organic oats, millet, quinoa, rice, wholemeal pasta (hold the press, I lnow wheat is bad, but I soak everything wholegrain overnight to break down phytates,,so pasta is there for times when nothing has been soaked, still bad, but only now and then), potatoes, amd sweet potatoes which I adore.

My protein comes exclusively from meat (organic grass fed of course), wild fish, and nuts, seeds, and beans.
Plus as many veg as I can fit in while making sure I get enough calories and macronutrients for energy and weight sake.
I do eat a lot of fat though. I eat 45 to 60 grams coconut oil every day, plus plenty extra virgin olive oil.

So it is a mixed bag really. Not ideal at all, but I am a beggar right now,,not a chooser. I want to make big changes when the time is right.

Im also an avid user of organic spices for their antimicrobial,,antioxidant, alkalising and medicinal profile- cayenne for my respiratory mucus, turmeric, and cinnamon,,plus cumin, coriander, cardamom etc.
Plus plenty of himalayan salt. I went for years not eating enough salt, which allowed the Lyme and intestinal worms to proliferate. We need more than most people think, except it has to be unrefined of course, refined salt is another pure poison, highly acidifying to the body.
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