How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

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here for the chicks
I still fuck around with combustion every now and then.

I feel I have made the full conversion to vaping, but even after months without smoking I still have a hard time resisting hitting a joint when it's within smelling distance. Sometimes I even give in to the craving and go out and get a joint to smoke it all by myself. I guess the craving is caused by left overs from my (mental?) nicotine addiction, or I just like smoke too, not sure what it is exactly. I hope I one day come to a point where I find smoking nothing other than revolting, but it's still hard to imagine for me I ever will. If I don't I'm still happy with where I am now though, at least I don't smoke because I have to any more.


Well-Known Member
wow mom (hey that looks the same upside down) that's dedication!

edit: @ OhTheAgony, do those joints you smoke contain tobacco? I have recently switched from tobacco mixed joints (spliffs) to various methods of pure combustion, including joints and found that the fact that it is a joint helped somewhat as it is similar to a spliff. I used to call a joint and a spliff the same thing but now I have adopted the terminology of a joint being pure and a spliff containing tobacco so wasn't sure what type of joint you meant.


vapor accessory addict
How long ago did you stop smoking cigs OTA? If it was rather recently (within a couple years even) that might be why you still love that smoke. I get it. I used to smoke cigs a long, long time ago. I remember every time I drank I would want one, even a few years after I quit.

I just don't like the taste of smoking anymore, or the "hangover" feeling the next day. I've also found I prefer the high from vaping now. No more couch lock for me! ;) And, to address the OP's situation a bit, my breathing has improved immensely.


here for the chicks
Well, I quit regular smoking completely a good year ago I think, one and a half perhaps? I normally kept track when I quit and could always tell you exactly how many weeks, days, and hours I hadn't smoked at that point, but I didn't this time for some reason. But I was down to one to 3 cigarettes a day for years already before that. I still smoke a cigarette on the rare occasion I drink alcohol with a smoking person though, that's just one of the vices I allow myself :)

I don't have a problem with not smoking sigs though, they don't seem to have any real grip on me. It's the joints that are my weakness. But since I've switched to vaping more and go without smoking for months at the time I have noticed some undesirable effects of smoking too that I used to think were caused by the holy Mary Jane herself, and the duration and intensity of the smoking high also are less now then the vaping high, something that used to be the other way around for some reason. I may be on a crossroad at this very moment, haha. I still like my couch lock though, I just vape a bit more or add some kief if I want that effect now :tup:


I has been 4 months and 1 day since i stopped combusting completely, i stopped tobacco a little earlier but not by much. Since then i took a hit one time, one month later and it tasted like crap and did it again 1 month ago with the same result.

So, yeah, i fucked it completely. I still get urges though, that is why i still consider myself an ex-smoker but not a non-smoker.

I will consider myself a non-smoker when i don't get urges anymore.


I will NEVER turn down weed. EVER!

So if I'm with someone who doesn't vape, and he offers me a hit from a bong, I'm going to take it.

Otherwise, I vape exclusively.

Don't you feel it doesn't do it for you anymore? I must say that i was trully disapointed when i combusted for the first time after long time vaping.. it just tasted like my first puff on a cigarette, i only tasted the ash. The smell of a joint brings memories but that's it.


What's Your Function?
Don't you feel it doesn't do it for you anymore? I must say that i was trully disapointed when i combusted for the first time after long time vaping.. it just tasted like my first puff on a cigarette, i only tasted the ash. The smell of a joint brings memories but that's it.
In a way, yes. It tastes like your smoking an ashtray. It's not ideal, but I still do it for the social aspect. And there is something fun about striking a lighter and putting it up to a pipe. But I totally get where you're coming from. My first time smoking after vaping exclusively, I thought I'd never be able to combust again. But it doesn't happen often, so I just kinda deal with the bad taste. I still get nicely medicated.


Well-Known Member
Well I have not combusted tobacco for almost 3 years (use e-cig) and I just started vaporizing my cannabis (about 5 weeks ago) and have not combusted since; although, I have had urges at times. I would love to say I am never going to combust again; but only time will tell. I can definitely say that if I continue to combust it will be extremely limited since I already feel better from not combusting cannabis over the last 5 weeks.


Developing Connoisseur & Vaporist
I will NEVER turn down weed. EVER!

So if I'm with someone who doesn't vape, and he offers me a hit from a bong, I'm going to take it.

Otherwise, I vape exclusively.
Just wondering, what if the bong hit was contaminated with tobacco? Because thats what I gotta deal with because for some reason many young peoplein sounthern ontario just love doing these personal hits with tobacco under their herb, which they call "poppers"... Including my friends.:disgust: They are turned down every time, even when I was combusting.
On the same note, last night I brought my EQ and vaporbong to my buddys house and the one dude got an oz of really good shake for cheap they all combusted like half of it and took some vapor hits while I vaped like 4 grams to my dome and combusted nothing, not that I need anywhere near that, but the guy who bought it busted like all of it up, coulda lasted me like 2 and a half months. :uhh:
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Well-Known Member
I've been smoking a joint almost every night for the last five years without one negative or adverse side effect, I also cycle to and from school/work, plus climb and swim five days a week. Vaping is great, but it can't replace the primitive feeling I get when puffing on a perfectly rolled joint of some well cured homegrown buds. Just my :2c:...


Well-Known Member
Quote from OTA: I don't have a problem with not smoking sigs though, they don't seem to have any real grip on me. It's the joints that are my weakness.

@ OTA May I suggest it is the nicotine that possesses the grip. Try pure joints.
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