Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie


Well-Known Member
I’m not surprised it has a temp indicator

I was cracking up when ppls were saying they preferred how the ta didn’t have one

Didn’t make sense to me…
Same. The absence of clicks/temp indicator was a big argument in favor of the TA for some users, giving them so much more freedom and control when heating (according to them), and completely differentiate it from devices like DV, Anvil, Dani, that I'm very curious to see what they think about it now.

I personally really like the ingineering of the tempest, especially the temp indicator part.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I'm very curious to see what they think about it now.

Still love it and never missed the click

I have an phd level scientific idea for those that prefer it without a click :

Ignore it ?

Or put some music you like very loud

The clicking disk afaik is a weak spot in these sort of vapes, so it's not that much about the sound for me

(Didn't watch the vide yet so don't know how PP implemented it in Tempest)


Well-Known Member
If it fails than you have the clickless device you want.. you pay for it of course... but you can always buy another cap.
BTW it's been 5 years I have vapcaps the only clicker that failed was on a vacap that fell on concrete with a bad angle making a huge dent on it...

Edit : I understand to prefer the TA aestheticly though..
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Well-Known Member
Some people like click, some don't care.

Why waste energy about here on this beautiful thread?

Stoners these days are cranky as fuck.

Amazing work as always MAD and Piggie.
We're not fighting at all just discussing, you know like in a forum :lol:.

Seems like a legit topic of discussion to me.... That brought us a nice info about the discs beeing replaceable...

I don't realize if that sounds aggressive when I try to sound a bit funny or something....The writen thing can be misleading...
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Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Many thanks for the pictures and as always thanks @ShayWhiteGrow for the videos.
A big thank you to the people who have stated the obvious elsewhere.

Let's get the unpleasant bit out of the way first.
It's been brought to my attention that people are being contacted and basically being told 'stories' about me ripping folk off, that I had no intention of bringing the TA to market and then told that the 'competition' are making a superior product.
It's a sad day when people have to resort to these underhand tactics but you know given enough rope and all that. It's a very small community.

Vape comparison.
The other vapes in this form use SS or Ti for the hot surface area in their vaporisers. The TA uses glass, ruby, Sic, CZ etc etc.
I personally prefer glass as I find the flavours are muted with metal.
The use of glass beads also increases the hot surface area. A rough calculation put the TA somewhere in the region of three times the available area of other vapes of the same form.
The TA is a portable ball vape capable of utilising 4 different heating options.

A subject very important to me. The enquiries were made before the first prototype was built, GR2 Ti.
I could only take the word of the manufaturer but did a very easy and basic test to prove to it was Ti, the grade couldn't be verified without expensive testing.

Release date.
The new TA are being made by a small, very busy family run local business. This has led to delays as they have a minimum 6 month lead time.
I'm hoping to have them this month with a release in July.
There is a lot of work ahead of me as I've custom tools and decappers to make so please be patient.

Everyone who messaged me I will get back to you. There has been no response as I'm not one to repeat myself and was waiting for good news rather than no news. If you are all still interested I will make sure you are in the first batch. There are plenty being made this time round and no one will miss out.

As has been the case with my stems all the good people who supported the TA project from the start will be well looked after.

TAv2 has been completely redesigned but is compatible with the v1. The design is modular which means at a later date I can add features if the demand is there. All materials are industry standard.

Induction Heaters.
This was always going to be a challenge especially for a portable but we like that kind of thing.
I have seen a desktop that is a beast, a water cooled beast. I may make one for shits and giggles.
Due to the changes this heater needs a coil redesign for the v2.
This is TAv1.
I used the same IH in a mobile unit, you couldn't pocket it, and it'll cherry in 30 seconds. Runs about 20 bowls.
The main issue with battery power is the lag as the battery voltage drops off.
With a lot of timed units the lag gets worse. I made up a custom timer pcb which negates the timer lag.

Thanks for keeping the thread active, I could've filled it with usage videos but that just teases those who are waiting.

See you in the Tempest thread.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Liked everything about the TA V1 especially its 8mm fitting that would fit Piggies, DV's and other third party stems. Unfortunately just missed out. The improved modular TA V2 looks like its will be well worth the extra wait. Then if all goes well, some time this fall the Tempest will drop. The torched powered portable vape evolution continues, and we all are the lucky benefactors. Big thank phattpiggie and Madheater. :clap:

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Many thanks for the pictures and as always thanks @ShayWhiteGrow for the videos.
A big thank you to the people who have stated the obvious elsewhere.

Let's get the unpleasant bit out of the way first.
It's been brought to my attention that people are being contacted and basically being told 'stories' about me ripping folk off, that I had no intention of bringing the TA to market and then told that the 'competition' are making a superior product.
It's a sad day when people have to resort to these underhand tactics but you know given enough rope and all that. It's a very small community.

Vape comparison.
The other vapes in this form use SS or Ti for the hot surface area in their vaporisers. The TA uses glass, ruby, Sic, CZ etc etc.
I personally prefer glass as I find the flavours are muted with metal.
The use of glass beads also increases the hot surface area. A rough calculation put the TA somewhere in the region of three times the available area of other vapes of the same form.
The TA is a portable ball vape capable of utilising 4 different heating options.

A subject very important to me. The enquiries were made before the first prototype was built, GR2 Ti.
I could only take the word of the manufaturer but did a very easy and basic test to prove to it was Ti, the grade couldn't be verified without expensive testing.

Release date.
The new TA are being made by a small, very busy family run local business. This has led to delays as they have a minimum 6 month lead time.
I'm hoping to have them this month with a release in July.
There is a lot of work ahead of me as I've custom tools and decappers to make so please be patient.

Everyone who messaged me I will get back to you. There has been no response as I'm not one to repeat myself and was waiting for good news rather than no news. If you are all still interested I will make sure you are in the first batch. There are plenty being made this time round and no one will miss out.

As has been the case with my stems all the good people who supported the TA project from the start will be well looked after.

TAv2 has been completely redesigned but is compatible with the v1. The design is modular which means at a later date I can add features if the demand is there. All materials are industry standard.

Induction Heaters.
This was always going to be a challenge especially for a portable but we like that kind of thing.
I have seen a desktop that is a beast, a water cooled beast. I may make one for shits and giggles.
Due to the changes this heater needs a coil redesign for the v2.
This is TAv1.
I used the same IH in a mobile unit, you couldn't pocket it, and it'll cherry in 30 seconds. Runs about 20 bowls.
The main issue with battery power is the lag as the battery voltage drops off.
With a lot of timed units the lag gets worse. I made up a custom timer pcb which negates the timer lag.

Thanks for keeping the thread active, I could've filled it with usage videos but that just teases those who are waiting.

See you in the Tempest thread.
When you say modular, do you mean other than being able to change the type of beads in the head of it? What other aspects of it will be modular? Even if the next drop was exactly the same as the first I’d be excited, but glad to hear there will be updates too.
Monk Debate,
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A subject very important to me. The enquiries were made before the first prototype was built, GR2 Ti.
I'm curious about what you think about the different grades of titanium. Why is the Tempest using grade 5 titanium and the TA is using grade 2 titanium? What are the pros and cons? @Brenyo

I personally see no reason to go for grade 5. It's around twice as expensive. You're gonna have aluminium in your vape, which is kind of not cool and means less oxidation resistance. (I kind of wonder whether it's even safe. In the heater at least.) And you don't really benefit from the increased strength. I'm not gonna use my vape as a hammer. The only benefit I guess is better anodization. But I don't care about the color of my vape/I like the color of titanium.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
I'm trying to learn more about these beads. If I understand, the TAv2 will come standard with boro beads, and if you wish to use ruby then you can buy them separately and swap them out?

I see that some prefer ruby over glass, but I'm not really sure I understand the benefit.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I'm trying to learn more about these beads. If I understand, the TAv2 will come standard with boro beads, and if you wish to use ruby then you can buy them separately and swap them out?

I see that some prefer ruby over glass, but I'm not really sure I understand the benefit.
There are a few good threads around on this subject. It's also discussed at length in the CH and phase3 threads. Some folks in these threads delve deep into the relative hardness, etc. Also the bead size. I suspect others will turn up with the specifics.

In my personal experience rubies retain heat longer and seem to do so more evenly. In my coil driven ballers I can drop my temperature quite a bit and get the same production with ruby over boro. Some folks also like ceramic, which works well in my CL but seems to have mixed results in other vapes.

I do love Boro balls for cooling!
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