Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
Howdy friends,

Thanks so much for your amazing patience and support, I’ve finally completed packing all orders up. The bank cut me off yesterday due to the amount of transactions occurred from purchasing each individual shipping label, so I had to finish them today.

After packing up all the preorders I have just three ZX kits in stock right now. I’m going to try to order more ZX’s this week to start the next round of production.

I have a few ZXL bundles in stock as well in my online store. If you’ve been waiting for a good opportunity now is definitely the time to grab some PHASE3 gear while everything is still in stock and shipping immediately.

You were actually the first order sent out!

Thanks so much my friend! Can’t wait to hear what you think.

Everything is packed up linearly based on when the order was placed.

All orders are completed and everything from this round is done.

You will want to do a burn off to cook out any of the hand oils transferred when assembling the device.

You don’t have to do it at a dramatically higher temp, though that tends to accelerate the burn off quicker.

If I would have had more time I would have liked to do a burn off here, but customers often touch the coils when opening the gear and would need to do another one anyways from that so I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Just let it run for 10 minutes at 600F or so before your first usage and it should be great.

Any further testing done with the ZXL ? Just wondering what the extraction action is like relative to the quick 1 hit snaps the ZX /ZX bowl produces.

Either way super stoked to try the ZXL :rockon:


Anyone's package moving yet? Ground advantage tracking sometimes sucks.

Nothing has been received by the post office yet, I'm trying to get them all dropped off today.
Due to the delays that occurred there's a lot more packages to move than I am used to, it's been raining non-stop the last three days but the sun is finally out this morning so I should be able to get them in. Before I moved the post office was right around the corner but it's not as close to where I'm currently putting these together at.


Any further testing done with the ZXL ? Just wondering what the extraction action is like relative to the quick 1 hit snaps the ZX /ZX bowl produces.

Either way super stoked to try the ZXL :rockon:

I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

The ZXL performs pretty much like what you'd expect from a scaled up ZX, but if you have .5g loaded in the ZXL it's going to need more hot air to extract than a .1 snapper in the ZX.

I've still been mostly using the ZX lately because I've had a lot of stuff to do and the ZXL is a bit heavy hitting for packing up orders; I don't want to make any mistakes as its easy to do lol. Now that I'm done with the preorders I can get some more time in with it.

I wanna try the upper screen position as that's closer to the ZX load size, the ZXL bowls all ship with the screen in the lower shelf so that's what I've been using so far.


Foggin up the woods
Woot woot. Mondays looking mighty foggy for me.
celebrate hell yeah GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine


My tracking says "Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item"

It’s probably at a sorting facility, but let me know if you don’t see anything change in a day or two.

Just received mine, perks of being this guys neighbor @invertedisdead 😺 🔥thank you very much & we gotta sesh it some day!

Definitely dude! Can’t wait to hear what you think of the ZXL!!


Well-Known Member
Welp the ZXL works, that's FOR SURE. Holding the bowl in my hands made me chuckle & I mean that as a compliment :) a girthy boy, she is! HEAvy duty bowl & bc of that it doesn't get as warm from back to back hits. Pretty sure this bowl works with other 18 mm heaters too ;)
I haven't really messed around with the temps so much yet but I did get to try the heater with other 18 mm bowls and it sure as heck worked very well. Got it to even fit my huge ssv j hook & got great hits. Awesome things here brother, as always! 🤘


Welp the ZXL works, that's FOR SURE. Holding the bowl in my hands made me chuckle & I mean that as a compliment :) a girthy boy, she is! HEAvy duty bowl & bc of that it doesn't get as warm from back to back hits. Pretty sure this bowl works with other 18 mm heaters too ;)
I haven't really messed around with the temps so much yet but I did get to try the heater with other 18 mm bowls and it sure as heck worked very well. Got it to even fit my huge ssv j hook & got great hits. Awesome things here brother, as always! 🤘

Yeah the ZXL bowl is ridiculously solid and sturdy, feels really nice! I like the way the bowl came out a lot.

Thanks so much for the first impressions my friend!


Well-Known Member
Loving the small size and flavor. For anyone using the drop down dry catches. Do you use a bit of water in them or just leave dry?
2 Schools: 1. a little water will make it easier to clean; 2. Stickiness will capture more stickiness. I just leave mine dry and they do a pretty good job of keeping everything out of my pipes, and cleanup's just the same simple ISO rinse.


New Member
It’s funny how things work out. Waited months for my ZXL to arrive. It finally gets delivered today but I got into an accident and had unexpected surgery and I’m away from home. The wait continues. So close yet so far. Maybe one day I’ll actually use it.


Well-Known Member
Everything was dropped off this morning.
Thanks everyone!

ZXL rip, half bowl setting.

What temp you running at? I run my ZX at 410f, started there and have been bumping up to 450f, next try 500f....

Using an 18mm Orb and the airflow needed is huge, loving that difference from the zx and looking forward to soaking it in with temps and glass!

Thanks @invertedisdead this is an incredible set, wonderful work! Love the notches for the o-rings!

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
What temp you running at? I run my ZX at 410f, started there and have been bumping up to 450f, next try 500f....

Using an 18mm Orb and the airflow needed is huge, loving that difference from the zx and looking forward to soaking it in with temps and glass!

Thanks @invertedisdead this is an incredible set, wonderful work! Love the notches for the o-rings!
ZX Ordered this Morning. Anticipating a great experience . I believe This will be my Last vape I buy. ….. maybe just maybe…lol


Almost there...
ZX Ordered this Morning. Anticipating a great experience . I believe This will be my Last vape I buy. ….. maybe just maybe…lol

As someone who used to suffer badly from VAS, my ZX has cured me!
Over the span of a year of ownership, I have ordered one portable vape and sold it a week later.
Only other vape purchase has been a Z8 from @invertedisdead as I have always wanted to own one of these first designs!

I occasionally fire up another vape but it's very seldom and when I do, they don't seem to stay in rotation for more than a day or so...

The ZX and Z8 have me very satisfied!!!
I have them set to one hit, micro rips through a dry water tool.
It's a sublime experience!

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
As someone who used to suffer badly from VAS, my ZX has cured me!
Over the span of a year of ownership, I have ordered one portable vape and sold it a week later.
Only other vape purchase has been a Z8 from @invertedisdead as I have always wanted to own one of these first designs!

I occasionally fire up another vape but it's very seldom and when I do, they don't seem to stay in rotation for more than a day or so...

The ZX and Z8 have me very satisfied!!!
I have them set to one hit, micro rips through a dry water tool.
It's a sublime experience!
Lazy lathe thanks for the follow up ,and yes I also have VAS Mood mats and anticipate the ZX experience the same satisfaction.
Having A 14 mm injector along with 18/19mm Injectors is what I was wanting also thanks for the ZX .


Happy to report that my ZX arrived today, @invertedisdead! I'm one bowl in, and the verdict is: I am in love.

It's so sleek and sexy. I'm really digging the size of the bowl -- I prefer to have a one-to-two-hitter, repeat as needed, vs. nursing a larger bowl, and this bowl is the perfect size for that.

Welcome to the Z Tribe!! Thanks soooo much for the stellar first impressions!

Was wondering are there rubies in the ZXL or sapphires?
Rocking this set up tonight, feeling like batman

Everything that just went out is using sapphires just like my personal units. The original name for this purpose built coil powered ball vape concept back when I created this thread was the “sapphire evaporator.”

The first 10 or so people in line chronologically for ZX preorders received ruby ZX’s, as those were leftover from the November batch and were just waiting on ZXBowls to fulfill.

Loving the small size and flavor. For anyone using the drop down dry catches. Do you use a bit of water in them or just leave dry?

That ZX is looking fantastically eloquent and splendidly sublime!

It’s funny how things work out. Waited months for my ZXL to arrive. It finally gets delivered today but I got into an accident and had unexpected surgery and I’m away from home. The wait continues. So close yet so far. Maybe one day I’ll actually use it.

That’s such a bummer my friend, please get well soon and we’ll be ready for ya when you are!! Thanks so much for rocking with us and giving us a chance. 👊

What temp you running at? I run my ZX at 410f, started there and have been bumping up to 450f, next try 500f....

Using an 18mm Orb and the airflow needed is huge, loving that difference from the zx and looking forward to soaking it in with temps and glass!

Thanks @invertedisdead this is an incredible set, wonderful work! Love the notches for the o-rings!

Thanks so much my friend! So glad
You’re enjoying the ZXL so far!!! I’m at around 500-525 on the ZXL so far. It will milk up well at lower temps too, though the nice open airflow might make the can appear less dense compared to using a vape with more restricted airflow. I theorize that this is a good thing for absorption. I really need to sell a lot more vapes so that I can fund research to perform a handful of lab tests and experiments to finally figure out a few things I’ve been pondering for quite some time. This would have the most influence on the design parameters of true next gen devices.

The ZXL housing was designed to have extra thick insulation surrounding the bead core to increase the temperature stability, rather than other ball vapes which rely on using a lot more beads to achieve the same task. Using excessive beads creates excessive drag and promotes poor heat transfer due to the significant reduction in turbulence. Also, zirconia is a better insulator than ruby. So these design choices were natural for this project.

ZX Ordered this Morning. Anticipating a great experience . I believe This will be my Last vape I buy. ….. maybe just maybe…lol

Thanks so much for giving us a chance! All pending orders are going to ship out today. And then I’m probably going to shut the store down for a little bit as I’m leaving town for Valentines Day.

Anybody thinking about jumping in should definitely place an order right now. I think there’s one ZX left and a few ZXLs.

As someone who used to suffer badly from VAS, my ZX has cured me!
Over the span of a year of ownership, I have ordered one portable vape and sold it a week later.
Only other vape purchase has been a Z8 from @invertedisdead as I have always wanted to own one of these first designs!

I occasionally fire up another vape but it's very seldom and when I do, they don't seem to stay in rotation for more than a day or so...

The ZX and Z8 have me very satisfied!!!
I have them set to one hit, micro rips through a dry water tool.
It's a sublime experience!

Thanks so much for rocking with me and my work! Much respect to you LL, a true FC-OG who has literally seen it all!!

The ZX is definitely my pride and joy and my favorite vape I’ve ever used to date. I’m really trying to produce the best vapor quality I can do I’m always so stoked when people who have tried all these other ballers still find my gear to be their favorite. Helps me feel like I’m still on them right track.


Well-Known Member
Zx should be arriving in the next 6 hours. Can't freaking wait

Edit: it's here!!!
I'm getting mine today too. A day early! Just waiting to leave work. I already saw the mailman drop it off with the doorbell cam :rockon:

Thanks so much for giving us a chance! All pending orders are going to ship out today. And then I’m probably going to shut the store down for a little bit as I’m leaving town for Valentines Day.
Hopefully it's for a little vacation. 1 man operation making a lot of people happy. Well deserved IMO!
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