Overall bestselling models?


Well-Known Member
I’m sure this has been asked before but with some models being discontinued and new and improved ones coming out all the time it’s ever changing…. But I thought it be cool if we could get a list of say the top three to five selling vapes on the market currently. (Portable & Desktop)


Well-Known Member
I’m sure this has been asked before but with some models being discontinued and new and improved ones coming out all the time it’s ever changing…. But I thought it be cool if we could get a list of say the top three to five selling vapes on the market currently. (Portable & Desktop)

I would guess Arizer MAx and XQ are on the list they have a huge base of customers from over the years. Another manufacturer with a large installed base is Dynavap.

Similarly positioned with a large worldwide installed base is Storz and Bikel.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Sneaky Pete has paired down his offerings of vapes over the past years. Good chance he carries a majority of the top sellers in his current inventory. Of course offering a wide selection to attract potential customers is important, but it's the revenue from most popular vapes that keep the lights on.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s a European thing but does S&B feel like late 90s Nokia to you? Totally dominant but one (competitor) innovation away from obscurity.
Never thought about it before, but yes that’s a good analogy 👍 (UK here)


Long Island, NY
If you look at it from the perspective of our vape enthusiast niche (FC, reddit & all the many, many small cannabis sites), I think the Flowerpot (all styles of them ever produced) would be a top desktop.
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I'm sure the actual numbers are a "closely guarded secret"

With the launch of its first portable vaporizers – Mighty and Crafty – in 2014, the company soon doubled sales and staff. A couple of years later, S&B built its current German factory where it now produces about 1,500 devices per day, Bickel told MJBizDaily.

Storz & Bickel saw demand for its products increase drastically in 2020, Bickel said. The factory is working at almost full capacity with two shifts per day. The company plans to finalize an expansion in May 2021, which will allow for a roughly 40% more production capacity.

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Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
My guess is:
- Storz & Bickel (volcano is probably most well known out there)
- Pax
- G-Pen :puke:

This guess is based on (my perceived):
name recognition, distribution in head shops/dispensaries, and capability to produce a large amount of products.

Yokan, Pulsar and other cheap vapes are probably up there as well.
Jill NYC,
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Well-Known Member
My guess for the market overall is that it is dominated by the crappy brands that get sold cheap in brick and mortar stores: GPen, Snoop Dog branded crap, Chong branded crap, APX, etc. Many hundreds of thousands of those things have been impulsively purchased and then trashed.


Well-Known Member
I definitely think Arizer, Pax, and maybe G-Pens are on the list. They all fairly popular and do a bit of advertising in the right places. They’re perfect for being a lot of folks first vape or upgraded second. I know myself and a couple friends have all bought Arizer and Pax models.
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