Late Night Power Hits

Ned Bogan

Active Member
I'd like to settle into a vape that can deliver me a couple power hits late at night and help me into falling asleep easily and having a good night's sleep. My question is whether the most effective hits would be delivered by flower in a high end desktop ball vape (CH B2 or something like that) or concentrate in a high end E-nail. Which (or whatever else) would you recommend?

I know this may be "the impossible question" and that there may be no solid answers, but I thought I'd ask anyhow. Almost everybody knows more than me, so I'm hoping I may get lucky with a little advice here. Thanks in advance for any help.
Ned Bogan,


Well-Known Member
Anvil or DaniVape or Piro by lamart or BAKx by lamart (enter and join the waiting list for the DROP)
or the Tasty Tube maybe too


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Yeah. If a hard-hitting hit is what you're after, then concentrates is where it's at for that.

You're still going to be able to get significantly more of the drug into your body in a shorter amount of time with vaporizing (dabbing) concentrates (resin/rosin) than you can with any vape using only ground dry flower. So, if the goal is the highest high in the shortest amount of time, then there is no substitute.
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