Europe's legalization


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"Banning sales to tourists is a necessary intervention... and the first step towards regulation" she said.

Halsema explained that introducing the ban would be the best temporary measure to ensure the cannabis market remains manageable while the pilot project to legalize cannabis in the Netherlands goes underway.

(There are over 500 coffeeshops in the Netherlands with 166 in Amsterdam)




Active Member

"Banning sales to tourists is a necessary intervention... and the first step towards regulation" she said.

Halsema explained that introducing the ban would be the best temporary measure to ensure the cannabis market remains manageable while the pilot project to legalize cannabis in the Netherlands goes underway.

(There are over 500 coffeeshops in the Netherlands with 166 in Amsterdam)


Is this a real possibility or it is like the last 20 years where this rumor was always in the air but never concrete.


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Active Member

He should find a charity that fights for the legalization of cannabis in Ireland to donate the €200 he's been ordered to pay.


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"Copenhagen edging closer to legalising cannabis"


Well-Known Member

They say here that the debate about banning tourists from the cafes is scheduled for Wednesday.

Also from the same outlet,

Both articles have stupid cookie banners.




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Germany’s move to legalise cannabis expected to create ‘domino effect’​

Europe’s largest economy joining Canada and California in legalising cannabis for recreational use could create momentum to change the UN convention that restricts the cultivation of the plant and also puts pressure on neighbouring European states to follow Germany’s lead.

“There will be a domino effect, for sure,” said Justus Haucap, the director of the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics. “European countries that have a much bigger problem with illegal cannabis use, like France, are watching very closely what Germany is doing at the moment.”.............

...............If the German state were to put itself in charge of supplying adult users with cannabis, it would in the short term be reliant on imports. Five years into the legalisation of medical use, Germany still relies on imports from Canada, Portugal, Spain or the Netherlands for 85% of its annual use.

Entering the business of trading and selling cannabis would also put Germany in violation of the UN 1961 single convention on narcotic drugs. The country could follow Canada and Uruguay’s lead and try to ignore the convention, or find a way around it. It would be more likely that legalising cannabis in Germany could trigger a movement to change the agreement entirely, said Haucap.

He said: “In theory, Germany could exit the UN single convention and rejoin only specific parts of it. But I am fairly optimistic that with changes happening in Canada, the US and now Germany, we could also be looking at a reform of the convention in regards to the cannabis trade.”


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Sept. 20th (Sorry for the delay!)

EARLIER this month representatives from all 27 EU member states, alongside non-governmental experts, NGO’s and private sector representatives, came together in Prague for the annual National Drug Coordinators meeting.

The meeting, which is organised and hosted by the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU, was this year centred around ‘cannabis policy’, specifically decriminalisation, destigmatisation, and harm reduction.


Well-Known Member

Nice thinking, they all want in on it.
I would also be fine with renaming all of Europe as Germany, or any other word, if it means we can all have the weed.



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(This first step is to decriminalise possession of 7g. Contents of the bill likely to be made public next week, the bill goes before government later this month.)

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
THe EU has become a technofascist digital dictatorship, and the UN is the foundation for a global dictatorship.
UN 1961 single convention on narcotic drugs.

Why should any so-called democratic nation be subject to laws that were made by unelected foreigners decades ago???

THe US forced governments around the world to criminalise cannabis decades ago (including places of traditional use like Morocco and India)

Now, ironically, as the US is decrminalising or legalising the rest of the world is still stuck on legislation that refuses to be cancelled because we are still governed by inhumane parasites that hate us.

Spain's clubs are overpriced, quality is totally hit or miss, (most commercial growers harvest too early) and they are often not very nice environments that are more akin to dens. Also, tobacco smoke.... most Spanish users are stuck on tobacco joints and are totally unintersted in vaporizers.

Spanish Guardia Civil ( dead dictator Francos' paramiltary force which is STILL there with their fascist symbols and atittude) can pull you over when you're driving and get you to take a saliva test, and if it finds cannabis you get a 500 euro fine. (cannabis is detected for days after your last toke)

They use this to make money. Sometimes they will set up a roadblock and test EVERYONE driving by...

You see , they have ways of making us suffer even if we manage to get it legalised, because the malicious intent is still there.

If you expect the EU to legislate something friendly, you are in for some rude awakenings. ALL they care about is big business and control.

UK : Last time I checked the criminal Public Health England still refused to allow medical cannbis except for the lame Sativex product, which is made by a company owned by people like Theresa May's husband (who I think is a Lord)..

A Tory and member of the House of Lords (unelected aristocracy) stared into the camera on a BBC program years ago and stated very emphatically that the Conservative Party will NEVER legalise cannabis.

These are the same peope who banned khat because it is "culturally inappropriate" ( only Black Africans use it)

I will continue to ignore their insane and inhumane, socially racist laws.
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Well-Known Member
One small step in this fucking country of "réactionnaires".



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In FRANCE, we have only bad news : our fucking government want now to increase (again) the repression for the cannabis consuption :

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
In FRANCE, we have only bad news : our fucking government want now to increase (again) the repression for the cannabis consuption :
Yesterday Ms. Schiappa, French Minister of Solidarity, appeared in the pornographic magazine Playboy, today Mr. Darmanin, Minister of the Interior accused of rape, toughens the law against cannabis :shrug:


Big and Bouncy
Trudeau government legalized (not just decriminalized) weed in 2018 in Canada. Best thing that administration ever did. Never thought I'd see the day I can order some sublime Vancouver bud online and have it at my door via Canada post in a couple days airmail on the east coast.

Huge double standard that you can buy enough alcohol at most convenience stores to die of alcohol poisoning, but simple possession of enough weed to barely get you high can land you in jail with a criminal record in a lot of countries. Not to mention the horrific effects of alcohol on the body (let alone violence to others while under the influence) whereas science now recognizes that weed is full of medicinal benefits. Alcohol has literally NO positive effects on the human body. None.

Legalization won't happen in most countries until their governments decide who will profit the most (government coffers mostly) from the taxes generated and how the black markets can either be crushed, or appeased. There's certainly no logical defense in keeping alcohol legal vs. weed.

Given how progressive much of Europe is compared to the West on a lot of issues, I'm still really surprised that NA is in general more advanced on the legalization/decriminalization front than Europe.
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Well-Known Member
NA Canada, maybe. The USA, true to form, accidentally "legalized" it everywhere with that farm bill. None of which actually surprises me, but we'll take the win, even if it comes from the chaos zone of politics. 350 million population, and we can show the sky hasn't been falling since 2018.
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