Dry Mouth?


Well-Known Member
I generally have drier mouth than usual. Now, during the summer that is extremely hot and dry and we sleep/work with A-C, which makes the indoor atmosphere more dry. On top of that the frequent use of vaporizers makes my mouth (and nose) even more dry. Water does not suffice then. I wonder what the members are using, when very dry mouth occurs from vaping...

I have tested many of the top selling products from amazon and found more pleasant biotene oral wash.

C No Ego

Well-Known Member
I generally have drier mouth than usual. Now, during the summer that is extremely hot and dry and we sleep/work with A-C, which makes the indoor atmosphere more dry. On top of that the frequent use of vaporizers makes my mouth (and nose) even more dry. Water does not suffice then. I wonder what the members are using, when very dry mouth occurs from vaping...

I have tested many of the top selling products from amazon and found more pleasant biotene oral wash.
water on hand all day


Xerostomia is a symptom of diabetes, perhaps worth considering if you have other risk factors.

Also, dehydration is very common. I use a water tracker, it pings me every 90 minutes during the day to remind me to have a glass of water - no dry mouth!


Child Of The Revolution
Biotene mouth rinse helps with dry mouth. Before I was a cannabis user, I relied on Biotene. Now I just drink water, one glass after another, and no longer have dryness issues, but Biotene was helpful in the Beforetime.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much for replies. Like FlyingLow, I have learned to live with dry mouth, but it is so hot and dry in Greece and with the non stop use of air-conditioning these two months my problem is two times worse.


Child Of The Revolution
thanks so much for replies. Like FlyingLow, I have learned to live with dry mouth, but it is so hot and dry in Greece and with the non stop use of air-conditioning these two months my problem is two times worse.
Would a humidifier help with the dry, air conditioned air?
I didn't realize you were in Greece, how wonderful!
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Well-Known Member
I was using one during the night but made me sweat. I prefer topical solution like eye drops for dry eyes
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Child Of The Revolution
Systane is a lubricant eye drop that works well, but I can't imagine they have it in Greece. I'll leave the name here in case some future reader needs a suggestion and has it available.
Years ago I was diagnosed with Sjogrens syndrome, and dry eyes and mouth are big symptoms. Fortunately, it was a misdiagnosis, but I recall how uncomfortable it was. I hope you find relief soon. Be well.
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