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  • Hi perfect speed,
    Is the camoflet still available? I’m in the uk and would like to try it, I have a taffee bowle that I’d swap for it if you are interested?
    Thanks in advance
    Thankyou, that's a very kind offer, and one I would have loved to take up. I've always wondered what a Taffee would be like

    Sadly I'm half way through sending the V1 steel version to someone for free, and who isn't paying postage, but a promise is a promise, and I said free was fine ;o)

    Really sorry. I think they're on sale at Vape Wellness if that's a help.
    No worries, thanks for the reply. Bit of a cheek not even covering postage!
    I guess things are tough all over, and I've been seriously skinny many times, so I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Blagging free stuff if you already have enough s a miserable way to get ahead. Like my rich BiL who washes his hair with shampoo taken from motels.
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