Good Podcasts to listen to when you're Vaked!!


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When you want to relax and listen to some fascinating subject while vaping what is your go to?

I really enjoy the podcasts from these fellows in Australia.

Every episode they review a book, movie, speaker that delves into topics of high strangeness. Interested in Big Foot, UFOs, Skin Walker Ranch? I like this podcast because they are somewhat skeptical. It is clear they believe in some of the stuff they have reviewed but they also reject a good amount and poke holes in some of the stories. Since I think about 95% of this stuff is bullshit but hold out hope/fear that 5% is true I like this approach. They have a free side and a paid side. I enjoyed the free side for a couple years before delving into the paid side.

Another I greatly enjoyed was Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

I am a fan of learning about history. This guy presents it well. I have listened to nearly all of his episodes. The one on WW1 was quite good. I always looked at that war with anger and disgust. This didn't help with that feeling but it was intresting to learn a small bit of how vile it was. The series "King of Kings" was the one I probably learned the most from as far as filling in gaps in my historical knowledge.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Another I greatly enjoyed was Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

I am a fan of learning about history. This guy presents it well. I have listened to nearly all of his episodes. The one on WW1 was quite good. I always looked at that war with anger and disgust. This didn't help with that feeling but it was intresting to learn a small bit of how vile it was. The series "King of Kings" was the one I probably learned the most from as far as filling in gaps in my historical knowledge.

I'm starting the one on the Wolf Packs of WW2 with Tom Hanks. I've read a lot of books about submarine warfare and life during WW2 and find it facinating.

It's not a podcast, but when high and mellow I enjoy listening to the talks given by Terrance McKenna. He was an amazing storyteller and a master of the English language.


Have you heard about the boom on Mizar 5?
Fucking sweet seeing another Hardcore History head in here, my favorite from him is the Destroyer of Worlds blitz episode but I've always been pretty into nuclear history. I've been into the true crime genre, I've listened to alot of Last Podcast on the Left but it can get a little too jokey for me sometimes.


I enjoy listening to the talks given by Terrance McKenna. He was an amazing storyteller.

Just revisited McKenna yesterday

“I abandoned the humanities and became interested in the sciences.
But by then it was too late to become a real scientist. And I had been too tainted by my time around the poets and artists.”

That one really hit me in the feelers! 🤧

Not a podcast but I just watched this the other day from MIT, F22 Raptor flight controls, thought it was pretty cool!! 😎I only wish I had the same fascination with this stuff now as when I was in school.



Well-Known Member
Check out the Clark Howard popcast. Its more of a financial podcast where they take people's questions and give advice on how to avoid scams, get more of a bang for your buck, and general saving to help you save more for retirement. I know it is kinda different from most, but it can help save you more, which is always a win for me. It is the only podcast I listen too, but I promise you I'm not too boring and definitely not an old fart.
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Oh man Clark Howard! I haven't thought about him in years, didn't know he was still out there and had a podcast on top of that. I used to listen to his radio show a long time ago. He has some great advice.


Have you heard about the boom on Mizar 5?
I've been binging through some episodes of Beyond the Breakers podcast, all about maritime disasters and shipwrecks which I find to be pretty interesting stuff


Well-Known Member
Oh man Clark Howard! I haven't thought about him in years, didn't know he was still out there and had a podcast on top of that. I used to listen to his radio show a long time ago. He has some great advice.
Yeah he is still kickin it. He has about a 25 min podcast that he does everyday. I usually will skip a few days and listen to 2 or 3 at a time.
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