Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
The ZX is my first ball vape. I looked into a lot of them and felt overwhelmed. From cheaper to more expensive, I read/watched reviews and narrowed it down. My final criteria was under 350usd, keeping in mind my lower tolerance and preference to microdose, and a product with a happy fan base. I narrowed it down a lot, and after finding the community on this thread and reading your passionate posts, quick customer service, and attention to detail I was sold.
These points are *exactly* why I went with the ZX, too. Reading the thread here to get more info on it since it was so scarce at the time, and then seeing Ryan here discussing, taking input, talking about his vast study of materials and heating processes, the quality of the product all really sold me.


Well-Known Member
I think it’s a very durable product. Zirc the material is more brittle than Ti or stainless. No question that it is “theoretically “ more fragile. In practice there is no evidence that the ZX is fragile. Those comments relate to a completely different company and vape.
Has anyone examined the ZX heater with a USB microscope after a few months of use. I kinda feel like any potential damage/cracks would be hidden behind the heater coil wraps or inside the heater. Like a black hole, all the secrets are hidden in its own shadow.


Well-Known Member
These points are *exactly* why I went with the ZX, too. Reading the thread here to get more info on it since it was so scarce at the time, and then seeing Ryan here discussing, taking input, talking about his vast study of materials and heating processes, the quality of the product all really sold me.
This should probably all be removed as against the rules but fwiw, the Zirconia was chosen as a material as pure as glass and (almost) as tough as steel. If you have a crown or implant , you've probably been grinding away on zirconia surfaces, abrading, applying force from various directions, etc. Its properties are well-known and medically safe, partly because of the overall durability.


Art is beauty
Let’s be clear that no material used for vaping has been inspected and formally tested for anything yet we all use them. I have a Z8, ZX, and ZXL. Z8 and ZX used EXCLUSIVELY since their release. Not one issue. Dropped them on a soapstone counter. Banged them on the ceramic cup I use for a heat sink. All good, Now I don’t go throwing it across the room and I do try and pay attention when I put in the cup but I don’t handle it like something fragile.

Since I’ve owned these Zirc vapes I‘ve broken numerous quartz bangers, at least one or two glass pieces, and I can’t even count how many glass bowls and adapters. Zirc has been fine. All my other gear gets broken. Use it hard plus I have neurological conditions - both carpal tunnel and compressed spine in my neck. I may not be the hardest user but I’m in the top 50% and still no signs of a crack.

I agree with a post earlier where a lot of misinformation is used in various ways to influence people’s buying decisions. The vape community is full of pseudo-science and mis-science information. Just read any discussion about heat transfer and if you’ve studied physics you’ll know that none of it is correct (or very little). That’s the issue - there aren’t that many people that understand material science, heat transfer, and fluid flow. Ryan is one that knows a lot about these scientifically not just guessing.

I know enough to be dangerous and to know to form my own opinions and not simply trust Reddit or any of the other forms. Plenty of other companies are releasing products that are simply trial and error - big vape companies and it’s the consumer that is doing their R&D. Not Phase 3. Hope you jump on the wagon.

Z-Tribe Love Maddy


Just a dude
Has anyone examined the ZX heater with a USB microscope after a few months of use. I kinda feel like any potential damage/cracks would be hidden behind the heater coil wraps or inside the heater. Like a black hole, all the secrets are hidden in its own shadow.
Proud owner of a Z8, Ryan’s first iteration in ZC so its design is a bit different and it’s older than the ZX. I’ve taken the heater off its coil and had a look inside with a magnifying glass and a jewellers loupe. This was after a year of hardcore using it exclusively, about six months ago. There was some grey marks on the outside from the coil (the Z8 is white) and Barkeeper’s Friend made quick work of those but otherwise it was as pristine as it arrived. Using the loupe, there wasn’t a scratch, hairline crack or micro fissure anywhere on the outside. Using a high-intensity magnifying lamp, I looked inside and saw nothing but smooth white surface. Not surprised at that honestly, since any heat-related damage would begin on the outside where the coil is. Didn’t think about using my USB microscope at the time but honestly don’t think it would have revealed anything more.

So that’s all I can tell you from a factual standpoint about the materials that Phase3 uses. I can’t speak to any other seller’s products or where they sourced their materials and chose the shop that tooled their products. There was one manufacturer who rushed out a ZC device to capitalise on the initial enthusiasm for the Z8, however they did not have Ryan’s R&D knowledge or relationship with a reputable overseas manufacturer. The result was a janky, ugly looking facsimile of the Phase3 product imo and I’m not surprised if there‘s been quality issues with some owners simply because it was such a rushed, reactionary product with very little thought and effort put into it.

I think a lot of concern comes from a misconception some people have about the word “ceramic”, this material has properties unlike any traditional ceramic material one might be familiar with. Some people base their decision making on some vague assumption, like “I dunno dude, I just feel like…” but with no actual evidence or reasoning, and then that same person will do absolutely zero research. Even though they’re holding a supercomputer with easy access to the sum of mankind’s knowledge. But they will put their ignorance out there as fact or even worthy of discussion, all day and night. The internet was meant to make humanity more intelligent through the easy dissemination of information and scientific knowledge but obviously that’s not been the case; as a species, we’re still as apt to be as fucking dumb as we’ve ever been.


Well-Known Member
Proud owner of a Z8, Ryan’s first iteration in ZC so its design is a bit different and it’s older than the ZX. I’ve taken the heater off its coil and had a look inside with a magnifying glass and a jewellers loupe. This was after a year of hardcore using it exclusively, about six months ago. There was some grey marks on the outside from the coil (the Z8 is white) and Barkeeper’s Friend made quick work of those but otherwise it was as pristine as it arrived. Using the loupe, there wasn’t a scratch, hairline crack or micro fissure anywhere on the outside. Using a high-intensity magnifying lamp, I looked inside and saw nothing but smooth white surface. Not surprised at that honestly, since any heat-related damage would begin on the outside where the coil is. Didn’t think about using my USB microscope at the time but honestly don’t think it would have revealed anything more.

So that’s all I can tell you from a factual standpoint about the materials that Phase3 uses. I can’t speak to any other seller’s products or where they sourced their materials and chose the shop that tooled their products. There was one manufacturer who rushed out a ZC device to capitalise on the initial enthusiasm for the Z8, however they did not have Ryan’s R&D knowledge or relationship with a reputable overseas manufacturer. The result was a janky, ugly looking facsimile of the Phase3 product imo and I’m not surprised if there‘s been quality issues with some owners simply because it was such a rushed, reactionary product with very little thought and effort put into it.

I think a lot of concern comes from a misconception some people have about the word “ceramic”, this material has properties unlike any traditional ceramic material one might be familiar with. Some people base their decision making on some vague assumption, like “I dunno dude, I just feel like…” but with no actual evidence or reasoning, and then that same person will do absolutely zero research. Even though they’re holding a supercomputer with easy access to the sum of mankind’s knowledge. But they will put their ignorance out there as fact or even worthy of discussion, all day and night. The internet was meant to make humanity more intelligent through the easy dissemination of information and scientific knowledge but obviously that’s not been the case; as a species, we’re still as apt to be as fucking dumb as we’ve ever been.
Thanks for checking. My comment was based on Ryan’s post about the cooling rates of the coil potentially clamping down on the ZX body due to the use of dissimilar materials. The coil/ZX body appears to be the most vulnerable point for potential failure. Additionally, not all dentists use zirconia; while it has the strength of titanium, it lacks the toughness.


Art is beauty
What's the smallest glass you'd pair the ZX with? I've currently got a very small orb, should I consider upgrading?

I use very small rigs that I also use for dabbing. Buying a cooling j-hook to try as well. On the other hand I’ve seen bigger bubblers used as well.

I’d try the orb. I have a friend that uses a small globe/orb with the ZX. He loves the setup.


Well-Known Member
What's the smallest glass you'd pair the ZX with? I've currently got a very small orb, should I consider upgrading?
Your orb should be fine. Consider upgrading just for the variety--a wee dab rig will work, recyclers are fantastic with it, and it'll drive big bongs or rigs easily too.



Just a dude
Thanks for checking. My comment was based on Ryan’s post about the cooling rates of the coil potentially clamping down on the ZX body due to the use of dissimilar materials. The coil/ZX body appears to be the most vulnerable point for potential failure. Additionally, not all dentists use zirconia; while it has the strength of titanium, it lacks the toughness.
No problem my man, the task had been done but you made me realise that I didn’t say anything here at the time since my findings were so unremarkable. But if that helps ease someone’s mind about long term durability of their Phase3 products or helps push a potential customer to click on a preorder button, then it’s got some value.

I can believe the coil might tighten on the heater over time, through many cycles of heating and cooling daily. That was something I remember thinking when disassembling it, “Seems a lot tighter than when I put it on“ but it also may be due to stretching the coil out after I fit the heater to the coil. I didn’t say anything about dental uses because I didn’t even know dentists were using ZC, just stating my opinion (based on experience) is that it’s definitely more than tough enough for our purposes.
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Greetings friends,

A bunch of new PHASE3 designs are on order and coming in for evaluation and testing within a week or two -

MAKO2 Advanced 8MM cooling system: for Dyna/Anvil/TA/Tempest/Etc.

20MM Next Gen Hybrid Desktop: conduction heavy but also featuring a massive new high surface area convection heater as well [no beads]

Two new concentrate devices

And a 8MM conduction and hybrid (two designs up for comparison) which is my attempt at creating a new optimized one hitter experience. It borrows on a lot of the ideas behind the Element concept, but has been modified to provide more advanced thermal performance. There's 4+ years worth of ideas wrapped up into this one. Seemingly refined, but definitely some of my most advanced work to date, the idea is to create a truly thermodynamically optimized vaporizer. Faster, denser, more potent, more effective extractions. A vaporizer designed from the ground up to (try to) get you higher by minimizing losses and preserving more of the stony high temp compounds and an ultra fast extraction. Definitely excited to test out all of these new designs and see how they work in practice versus in theory.

ZX/ZXL Shipping Update: I'm back in California but my postal box is closed for today. It looks like the screens were sent to my old address but they should be here within the next few days. Still planning on orders going out this week so far.

ZXXL Update: I believe we are 19 units sold. Could go any way at this point, thanks for everyone who has supported the project!

Cheers all,

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Well-Known Member
Greetings friends,

A bunch of new PHASE3 designs are on order and coming in for evaluation and testing within a week or two -

MAKO2 Advanced 8MM cooling system: for Dyna/Anvil/TA/Tempest/Etc.

20MM Next Gen Hybrid Desktop: conduction heavy but also featuring a massive new high surface area convection heater as well [no beads]

Two new concentrate devices

And a 8MM conduction and hybrid (two designs up for comparison) which is my attempt at creating a new optimized one hitter experience. It borrows on a lot of the ideas behind the Element concept, but has been modified to provide more advanced thermal performance. There's 4+ years worth of ideas wrapped up into this one. Seemingly refined, but definitely some of my most advanced work to date, the idea is to create a truly thermodynamically optimized vaporizer. Faster, denser, more potent, more effective extractions. A vaporizer designed from the ground up to (try to) get you higher by minimizing losses and preserving more of the stony high temp compounds and an ultra fast extraction. Definitely excited to test out all of these new designs and see how they work in practice versus in theory.

ZX/ZXL Shipping Update: I'm back in California but my postal box is closed for today. It looks like the screens were sent to my old address but they should be here within the next few days. Still planning on orders going out this week so far.

ZXXL Update: I believe we are 19 units sold. Could go any way at this point, thanks for everyone who has supported the project!

Cheers all,

This is the most hype post I've ever seen. I'm interested in all 3 of those designs, and my ZX is shipping soon! Unreal. For me the cooling stem is an insta buy. I'm going to pair it with the Tempest. The full conduction one hitter sounds amazing also. I'm beyond intrigued. Can't wait to see them.


Serial vapist
Greetings friends,

A bunch of new PHASE3 designs are on order and coming in for evaluation and testing within a week or two -

MAKO2 Advanced 8MM cooling system: for Dyna/Anvil/TA/Tempest/Etc.

20MM Next Gen Hybrid Desktop: conduction heavy but also featuring a massive new high surface area convection heater as well [no beads]

Two new concentrate devices

And a 8MM conduction and hybrid (two designs up for comparison) which is my attempt at creating a new optimized one hitter experience. It borrows on a lot of the ideas behind the Element concept, but has been modified to provide more advanced thermal performance. There's 4+ years worth of ideas wrapped up into this one. Seemingly refined, but definitely some of my most advanced work to date, the idea is to create a truly thermodynamically optimized vaporizer. Faster, denser, more potent, more effective extractions. A vaporizer designed from the ground up to (try to) get you higher by minimizing losses and preserving more of the stony high temp compounds and an ultra fast extraction. Definitely excited to test out all of these new designs and see how they work in practice versus in theory.

ZX/ZXL Shipping Update: I'm back in California but my postal box is closed for today. It looks like the screens were sent to my old address but they should be here within the next few days. Still planning on orders going out this week so far.

ZXXL Update: I believe we are 19 units sold. Could go any way at this point, thanks for everyone who has supported the project!

Cheers all,

I can feel it!
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