Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the back-to-back but I wanted to celebrate a year of Phase3. Somewhere around a year ago I received my Phase3 Z8 and immediately fell in love. I recognized it as both a significant refinement of ball vape technology in form and material, but also it just was right for me. The right size, the right use, the performance, the high, the flavor, and the elegant visual design. I liked it so much it inspired my first 'expensive' glass purchase, the wonderful Bear Mountain RBR. With the Z8 turned up slightly to ~450 and filled with 4mm balls, the experience is sublime. It'll run decently with a few other vapes but this pairing is where it shines for me.

Anyhow, thanks for all the hard work this year, Ryan. I know it's been a challenge, but I feel that what you've accomplished this year has been remarkable, so I'm remarking! ; )
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Well-Known Member
From gophase3 Instagram:


"Greetings Z Tribe,
Due to recent circumstances I have to push the shipping date on ZX and ZXL preorders back a couple more weeks to early January. Ceramic parts are currently in production right now and are close to being completed; but the chances of getting them sent out before Christmas is honestly just not looking realistic at this point. There has been a couple delays during this production period which have caused these additional setbacks, and I sincerely apologize for that. It’s always stressful to miss an estimated ship date and Im sorry for any changes in the timeline. Again everything is currently in production right now as I type this, but I’ll be out of town for a few weeks to tend to matters.

Thanks so much from tue bottom of my heart for your continued patience, cooperation, and understanding. I sincerely appreciate your support and it means and helps a lot. This is a devastating loss to happen right before Christmas. Everybody is physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and financially feeling it right now.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. If there’s anything I can assist with at all please don’t hesitate to reach out. Preferably by email right now as my social media presence is pretty limited recently and I apologize for that. Coming back stronger than ever next year with some new game changing innovations and products that I’m looking forward to showing.

Thank you kindly for the opportunity to be here.
Kind regards,



Chaque jour est une chance
Great idea @coolbreeze ! @f2j if you can find a 14 14 downstem of any length, you can cut it down with a dremel and a diamond cutting wheel. Get the end of the downstem within a mm or 2 off the floor for great cooling. My tiny dry bong is basically the same.

I finally took the time to cut that downstem I ordered on Aliexpress. The cut's way more than 2mm above the bottom of the beaker but whatever it still works :)

I also made a crane to hold the coil so I only have to rotate and engage the heater in the downstem joint whenever I want to vape.



The downstem holds 0.1g (at least that's what i'm putting in but it can probably take half more)


Just a dude
Hey hey Z-tribe ~ wishing all you beautiful freaks a very merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and kick-ass Kwanza this holiday season! 2023‘s out the door and we’re moving on to ‘24 - always onward and upward! 🚀

Personally, I’m still happily celebrating a never-ending honeymoon it seems, having spent a little over a year now with my Z8 and freaking loving every minute of it. I honestly never took those ”end-game vape” discussions and thought that sort of speculation was rather pointless and silly, because of potential innovations and VAS. But mainly VAS :D
But dang if my old homie inverted hasn’t locked my ass down and killed interest in the competition at my house! Don’t get me wrong, variety is nice and switching up your devices is often beneficial. But if I’m being honest, I’ve not used any other device since late November 2022, other than my TM2 when I had some longer hospital stays and needed a portable option. I fucking love this tiny, pure powerhouse and it has made my 2023 better in so many respects, it’s a medical user’s dream machine.


Foggin up the woods
Hey hey Z-tribe ~ wishing all you beautiful freaks a very merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and kick-ass Kwanza this holiday season! 2023‘s out the door and we’re moving on to ‘24 - always onward and upward! 🚀

Personally, I’m still happily celebrating a never-ending honeymoon it seems, having spent a little over a year now with my Z8 and freaking loving every minute of it. I honestly never took those ”end-game vape” discussions and thought that sort of speculation was rather pointless and silly, because of potential innovations and VAS. But mainly VAS :D
But dang if my old homie inverted hasn’t locked my ass down and killed interest in the competition at my house! Don’t get me wrong, variety is nice and switching up your devices is often beneficial. But if I’m being honest, I’ve not used any other device since late November 2022, other than my TM2 when I had some longer hospital stays and needed a portable option. I fucking love this tiny, pure powerhouse and it has made my 2023 better in so many respects, it’s a medical user’s dream machine.

Right back at ya Otto man!

(Couldn't resist. I always read your posts in your avatars voice)


I am waiting on my pre-order of the Phase 3 ZX bundle in 14mm. I already have an Auber PID. I have a few questions:

1.) Any suggestions for temperature setting when using the Auber PID (model RDK 300 B E-nail controller) with the 14mm ZX ceramic bowl?

2.) I am purchasing the bundle from Ryan with the ZX ceramic bowl. However, is it necessary to buy an additional glass bowl? i.e., something like the VGoodiez 14mm glass injector bowl with a glass screen deck -
  • Does this VGoodiez 14mm injector bowl fit well with the ZX ceramic heater?
  • Does the VGoodiez 14mm injector bowl hold more material than the 14mm ZX ceramic bowl?
  • And what temperature setting would you suggest on the Auber PID when using the ZX ceramic heater with the VGoodiez 14mm injector bowl?
  • Is a glass bowl any better in terms of flavor vs. the 14mm ZX ceramic bowl?
Many thanks for all your help!
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Microbe minion
1.) Any suggestions for temperature setting when using the Auber PID (model RDK 300 B E-nail controller) with the 14mm ZX ceramic bowl?
I run mine at 475f with the auber.

I can't comment on the vgoodies bowl as I've not used it, but if you bought the bundle with the zbowl you won't need it unless you'd like a spare or to try a different bowl geometry.


Almost there...

I was just replacing the screen in my Zirconia bowl and had a thought!
It's an amazing thought to me but I am pretty medicated...:D

So this is my thought:

We were talking about and experimenting with different designs to effectively micro dose with.
Some really great ideas and designs were come up with as per FC tradition!
While changing my screen a thought so profound it still amazes me popped into my grey matter.
What if @invertedisdead just simply designs an extra slot of two into the Zirc bowl stem to accept screens on multi levels??
One bowl, 2 different screen positions!
Seems like it would work well to me!

I am ready to be shot down and disproved, so no worries!:lol:
As mentioned previously, medicated!:freak:


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize there was an included ceramic bowl when I placed my order. So I also ordered a glass bowl lol

It's good to have contingencies so I'm okay with it
Right on! Yea I like having both to switch back & forth with. Trying some bucket style screens now from Delta that allow the load closer to the heat, suspended in the glass bowl ;) Nice to have even another option there.

@Ferg nice spot! Yea, vgoodiez mentions 14mm injector & Phase3 in the description. And.. looks like your choice of joint size! Dam, might get one w/ 19mm connect.


Foggin up the woods
Right on! Yea I like having both to switch back & forth with. Trying some bucket style screens now from Delta that allow the load closer to the heat, suspended in the glass bowl ;) Nice to have even another option there.

@Ferg nice spot! Yea, vgoodiez mentions 14mm injector & Phase3 in the description. And.. looks like your choice of joint size! Dam, might get one w/ 19mm connect.

The dangerous thing is the zx that's on its way to me, is making me slowly convince myself that I need a few options for glass...depending on the day, and my mood, and well, the funeral for my wallet will be held in the spring


Well-Known Member
vgoodiez mentions 14mm injector & Phase3 in the description

Yeah, I picked up one of the smoked glass 14mm injectors from VGoodiez during the Black Friday sale. I definitely plan to start with the ZX+ZB combination, as per @invertedisdead 's "best intentions" (as I understand it), but I was getting a smoked glass dimpled stem for my MF Orbiter to use with the ZX anyway, and it just seemed right.

I will try to report on any differences I notice once my ZX/ZB comes in. (Currently I am developing indentations in my upper thighs from the pressure from waiting desperately on the edge of my seat—hopefully no medical attention will be necessary. :lol:)

I also plan to try and fashion a handle for the coil from some cherry doweling I have (in about the right size, I hope).

Shoutout to @VGOODIEZ for letting me know that the one of the coil handles they sold would likely not have fit—customer service seems to be a deep and abiding value there, and I was happy to have the excuse to order from them again. :bowdown::love:

[ Note that: 1) they helpfully mention Phase3 in the injector description even though they don't sell Phase3 products; and 2) they dissuaded me from buying a handle they sell because they realized my intent and recognized that it wouldn't work for me. I mean, they really oughta have a “tip” section on their payment forms: I'd have been happy to use it. ]


Well-Known Member
[ Note that: 1) they helpfully mention Phase3 in the injector description even though they don't sell Phase3 products; and 2) they dissuaded me from buying a handle they sell because they realized my intent and recognized that it wouldn't work for me. I mean, they really oughta have a “tip” section on their payment forms: I'd have been happy to use it. ]
This right here is a big tip to them. Keeps us all reassured to keep going back!
I love the idea they mention phase3 without selling them. But maybe that's a clue that there might be some room for Phase3 in the VGOODIEZ universe.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, apologize for the wall of text incoming but this vape has got me pumped.

Just finished reading throught 127 pages of posts and i am in! Could not be more excited, placed my preorder for a zxl a couple days ago and i am very confident that i made the right choice with phase 3. I have been aware of phase 3 and ryans work for quite some time but only recently was made aware of its full potential when i posted in the exchange looking for a non metal ball vape head. Ive been an owner of a tko for some months now and my lungs have only been getting worse. After some research, it seems that i may have developed a metal, or Ti more specifically, sensitivity. Hopefully this zirc heater will be the ticket to a better and healthier experience, as it has for many here.

I do have a couple questions, though, if the veterans dont mind weighing in i would greatly appreciate it!

Firstly, does anyone know the size screen that the zxl bowl will be using?

Secondly, ive seen peeps talking about swapping out balls but im not sure how the layout of the heater allows for this (i havent encountered any assembly vids or diagrams that would clarify this). Does it have a screw on cap a la tko or similar? I saw mention of needing to remove/damage a screen in order to swap balls, anyone got any clue?

And lastly, this is perhaps my biggest question as i preordered the zxl but am having major doubts and wondering if the zx is the way to go instead. The price difference is of little to no concern, my primary focus is choosing the right tool for the job. My usual bowl size is about .2, although i have less than that very frequently. I do occasionally have bowls bigger than .2, approaching .3 or .4 or even .5 so the fact that the zxl can work with that is a major win in its favor. On the other hand, most of my loads will be .2 and lower and when the inventor himself states that the 14mm is sufficient for his uses and that the 18mm is a little bit of a waste or almost overkill in his opinion it definitely gives me pause. One reason im getting a ball vape is to have a heavy hitter, something that can hit like a dab using flower when necessary. At the same time, im transitioning to this vape in large part due to lung irritation and if the smaller package can get the job done with less overall heat involved in the system that is not something to discount so readily.

Any consensus here or opinions one can share? Change to zx or keep my original xzl order? I know to a certain extent that its a highly subjective question and theres no one "right" answer but what do you guys think?

Thanks for your help guys (and for Ryan for creating this wonderful product and space) and im looking forward to finally joining the z tribe!

Edit* One thing i forgot to mention is that i only plan on using the zxl or zx with the z bowl, as i prefer the solidity of the zorconia over glass any day.
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Well-Known Member
Around here, the ZX bowl runs loads of ~.23 g, with a change to a glass injector bowl for larger loads. Can't comment on loads larger than .4g with the ZX because that's about where I change vapes. Temperature wise, I run between 345 f or 465 f depending on the usual factors, grind, glass, hit etc.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, apologize for the wall of text incoming but this vape has got me pumped.

Just finished reading throught 127 pages of posts and i am in! Could not be more excited, placed my preorder for a zxl a couple days ago and i am very confident that i made the right choice with phase 3. I have been aware of phase 3 and ryans work for quite some time but only recently was made aware of its full potential when i posted in the exchange looking for a non metal ball vape head. Ive been an owner of a tko for some months now and my lungs have only been getting worse. After some research, it seems that i may have developed a metal, or Ti more specifically, sensitivity. Hopefully this zirc heater will be the ticket to a better and healthier experience, as it has for many here.

I do have a couple questions, though, if the veterans dont mind weighing in i would greatly appreciate it!

Firstly, does anyone know the size screen that the zxl bowl will be using?
Not yet.
Secondly, ive seen peeps talking about swapping out balls but im not sure how the layout of the heater allows for this (i havent encountered any assembly vids or diagrams that would clarify this). Does it have a screw on cap a la tko or similar? I saw mention of needing to remove/damage a screen in order to swap balls, anyone got any clue?
You would have to pull and replace a screen. I've done it with my Z8 and ended up replacing the screen with a new one. I'd contact Ryan, see what he suggests.
And lastly, this is perhaps my biggest question as i preordered the zxl but am having major doubts and wondering if the zx is the way to go instead. The price difference is of little to no concern, my primary focus is choosing the right tool for the job. My usual bowl size is about .2, although i have less than that very frequently. I do occasionally have bowls bigger than .2, approaching .3 or .4 or even .5 so the fact that the zxl can work with that is a major win in its favor. On the other hand, most of my loads will be .2 and lower and when the inventor himself states that the 14mm is sufficient for his uses and that the 18mm is a little bit of a waste or almost overkill in his opinion it definitely gives me pause. One reason im getting a ball vape is to have a heavy hitter, something that can hit like a dab using flower when necessary. At the same time, im transitioning to this vape in large part due to lung irritation and if the smaller package can get the job done with less overall heat involved in the system that is not something to discount so readily.
If your normal load is .2, the ZXL may be the better size for you. .2g, measured as 2 Dynavap loads, is probably an over-fill of the ZX chamber and it's probably the limit for the glass bowl, too. I'm usually filling about .05-.15 in the Zi chamber.
Any consensus here or opinions one can share? Change to zx or keep my original xzl order? I know to a certain extent that its a highly subjective question and theres no one "right" answer but what do you guys think?
The ZX is exceptional, but if you are not a dedicated one-hitterer or otherwise limiting your intake, I'd go for the ZXL and then come back later for the ZX. The Z8/X was attractive to me because it allowed me to use less herb than my bigger ballers in a setup perfectly tuned for smaller loads. The size of the ZXL will be more analogous to the TKO I think.
Thanks for your help guys (and for Ryan for creating this wonderful product and space) and im looking forward to finally joining the z tribe!
: )


Well-Known Member
Guys, thank you so much for weighing in and reassuring me that i didnt make a terrible mistake with the zxl (as if any phase 3 products could be a "mistake" 😆). Ill keep the order as is for now but if anyone else has differing opinions please do weigh in as well! Now time to anxiously await a shipping notification while trying to give my lungs a break ahead of the incoming z train. 💤💤💤


Well-Known Member
Just got back from vacation, home to my loving ZX... I caught my stretched coil glowing red while heating up. Never had that before. Hmmmm … got some stiff cooper wire (1.5mm) and filled out the gaps. Thight pulled to the ZX. Result: no more glowing, faster heat up (i am pretty sure) and a more stable response from the PID. I had an overshot, about 60°C while first heat up. It is gone.
So if you stretched the coil, you maybe consider this.



Well-Known Member
Just got back from vacation, home to my loving ZX... I caught my stretched coil glowing red while heating up. Never had that before. Hmmmm … got some stiff cooper wire (1.5mm) and filled out the gaps. Thight pulled to the ZX. Result: no more glowing, faster heat up (i am pretty sure) and a more stable response from the PID. I had an overshot, about 60°C while first heat up. It is gone.
So if you stretched the coil, you maybe consider this.

I stretched my coil also. I read that Ryan recommended not stretching the coil and how the ZX has been fine tuned to be a "beast" (my opinion). So why mess with perfection ? Lesson learned,


Well-Known Member
Dang, was it super hot of something? First time I’ve read of a glowing coil on a heater! PID setting?

Not a biggie imo unless your bowl is getting too hot to handle ;)
It was not a superhot result...just a lightshow where its not needed.

I probably wouldn't even have noticed. Normally it is a nobrainer. PID settings were only changed at the beginning some months ago... It was also only one coil that glowed. I'm still a fan of the stretched coil.
And yes it's no biggie. The coils can stand way hotter temps than we need. The ZX too.
My fears come from the time when my heaters were made of glass.
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