Athlete Vaporists?

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
here is an old guy tip: don't wait until age 65 to start strength training, i.e. trying to add some muscle mass.

i was a tall spindly kid, avoided sports (not good at anything), loved my bike and rode a lot during summer - but no muscle development. now it is too late to try to add much muscle mass.

my thought for a long time was i didn't want to carry the extra mass (and strain joints) or eat a lot more to feed the extra muscles. not to be an arnold, but i should have tried to be a bruce lee. it was not until i was 70 that i finally learned how to feed myself correctly. so, avoiding eating extra junk was dodging a bullet.

and i do think the aerobics was a really good choice. it sets the foundation for health.


Well-Known Member
I just read that static poses like the Roman chair( back to the wall and squat) and planks( elbows and feet support your body; front, back, sides) are more effective at lowering blood pressure than aerobic activity.
40 seconds each pose; 3x a day compared to 30 minutes daily of cardio.
Has anyone else came across this? Doing both is better than doing one.


Well-Known Member
I actually started vaping because I was getting in shape for a trip overseas that included a lot of hiking. I walk/hike about 14 miles a day now (I live up the street from a regional park) along with strength training and aerobics at home, and my lungs are doing great. I also went vegan which massively increased my energy and recovery time; I credit both of those things for making exercise a lot easier, I'm in the best shape of my life now.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
High there, everyone!

I started this thread almost 12 years ago and am delighted it remains active and helpful for others. I haven't been on FC very much over the past few years, popping in every now and then to check on my vaping family. I discovered FC in Feb 2012, right after I got turned on to vaporizing cannabis. The Iolite was my first experience. I was captivated. I purchased one for myself and I still have it. I went deep down the vaporizer rabbit hole, trying what seems like dozens of models over the years. I ultimately emerged with my perfect setup for portable and home use. VapeXhale Cloud for home (I still have the first "clicker" unit and spent good time with Stonemonkey back then). Pax for portable.

Anywho, when I started the thread I was an avid triathlete/trail runner and quickly noticed the benefits of vaping over combustion. So, as one does, I fucked combustion. Alas, about 6 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that's rocked my athletic boat. I've since learned to manage it and am getting back into my previous athletic endeavors, albeit not to the same level. Such is the way of things, but I believe things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.

I enjoyed dropping in and catching up on this thread. Thanks to those who are keeping it alive and inspiring others. I'll likely drop in more often moving forward. In the meantime, take care.

Peace and love,


New Member
First Tracks! I have to admit, I didn't stop for a safety break--but I was well medicated at the start.
What unit do you run in those conditions?
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Weed and Exercise: Why Some People Use Cannabis Before A Workout

Article in today's New York Times

Link below to Gift version, readable by non-subscribers:

For what its worth, I've been a vigorous outdoors person for nearly 60 years!, hiking, climbing, snowshoeing, xc skiing, biking, jogging, etc. Though somewhat hobbled by injuries and arthritis, at 75yrs old, I still get on my road or cellar(winter) bike five or six times every week. I take a few tokes on the vape 95% of the time before exercise. Weed and churning legs keep me alive and happy:)
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Active Member
High there, everyone!

I started this thread almost 12 years ago and am delighted it remains active and helpful for others. I haven't been on FC very much over the past few years, popping in every now and then to check on my vaping family. I discovered FC in Feb 2012, right after I got turned on to vaporizing cannabis. The Iolite was my first experience. I was captivated. I purchased one for myself and I still have it. I went deep down the vaporizer rabbit hole, trying what seems like dozens of models over the years. I ultimately emerged with my perfect setup for portable and home use. VapeXhale Cloud for home (I still have the first "clicker" unit and spent good time with Stonemonkey back then). Pax for portable.

Anywho, when I started the thread I was an avid triathlete/trail runner and quickly noticed the benefits of vaping over combustion. So, as one does, I fucked combustion. Alas, about 6 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that's rocked my athletic boat. I've since learned to manage it and am getting back into my previous athletic endeavors, albeit not to the same level. Such is the way of things, but I believe things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.

I enjoyed dropping in and catching up on this thread. Thanks to those who are keeping it alive and inspiring others. I'll likely drop in more often moving forward. In the meantime, take care.

Peace and love,
Thanks a lot for starting this thread, I am sure I am not the only one who has enjoyed reading through it. There are so many different ways to use cannabis and this thread allowed me to see that I was not the only one who wanted to lead a healthy lifestyle while enjoying the highs.


Well-Known Member

here I am again... after a forced 3 month break.

My knee pain bothered me for a long time. I only did exercises twice to improve my condition. It sucks but it's really not my thing to follow videos or tutorials to exercise...

It was getting better but I put off buying real shoes... always choosing to spend the money elsewhere... and therefore postponing my return to training.

I stopped using nicotine in my e-cig about a month ago, and I sometimes want a cigarette (I haven't had the urge for 4-5 years!!).
I have experienced/am also experiencing some turbulence in my life.

So today I went to buy some shoes, New Balance bla bla bla v13.
I went home and went straight out to run.
I ran 5 km.

I wanted to cry... and I smiled stupidly for at least 3 km!!
Best bucks I've used lately...

I'm going to sleep more to avoid muscle fatigue and I'm going to start slowly again, seeing how my knees react...

But what joy, Damn!!!


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Took my snow tires off two weeks ago so of course we've had more snow since then than in the entire winter: 25 inches two weeks ago today; 13 inches a week ago, and 19 inches this past Wed, Thurs and Friday. Living on a steep hill, I really couldn't safely go out in the car for three days. But today is the eclipse and my town in northern NH is half in/half just out of totality. Temp 22F this morning, but a gorgeous sunny day with temps expected to hit 60F. I'm gonna pack my lunch, charge up my vape, throw the pedeling-required ebike on the rack, drive 15 or 20 minutes north on back roads--signs all over the main road heading north warning of traffic delays today--and watch totality along the big Androscoggin River at a beautiful wildish place that I hope isn't already over-crowded with viewers from further south. A toke for the sun and the moon and then another toke or two for a good ride along the river on this especially lovely day. I have a bright tasty very lemony sativa just perfect for a day like this.
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Less soul, more mind
So today I went to buy some shoes, New Balance bla bla bla v13.

Probably the 1080 v13, right? I don't own them, but they are super cushy, good choice for someone who wants to ease the pounding of the asphalt.


I'm still running, still vaping too - these days I'm preparing for my third Backyard Ultra (→ rules are here) which will start in exactly two weeks. Last year the sun killed me after ten laps, so for this year I bought a fancy bucket hat which I'm sure will make me win (perhaps). :-)


Well-Known Member
1 year ago I started going to the gym and was eating 150g protein a day but I did not know about mechanical failure so was not gaining much so after only 1 month I stopped taking lots of protein and started eating all crap again but still went to the gym for about 8 month and was always tired and not making any gains and never knew it was because of lack of protein as the way I started and ended up thinking it did not matter.

So over the last month i started taking 150g of protein a day again and working out to failure and guess what? I am making much more gains with hardly any gym time compared to before. Like I was going to the gym every single day for 1 hour and doing all my body and gaining nothing and now I go 3 times a week and will post pics.

I mean all that time at the gym did gain me loads of strength and got my form all good but now am really doing it and so happy.

ALSO I take 5g creatine a day and has helped a good bit but it makes you pee a lot.


Well-Known Member
Hi @Siebter
I hope your preparation is going well and that you are going to enjoy your race!!
interested to know your result this year!
Think of us if you need extra mental strength!

and yes, for the shoes it's the model you mentioned.
they are indeed very very chewy. I didn't know about shoes with's confusing...but so far, this combined with my other changes, seems to fit.
I enjoy.

I wish you a good race!


Active Member
1 year ago I started going to the gym and was eating 150g protein a day but I did not know about mechanical failure so was not gaining much so after only 1 month I stopped taking lots of protein and started eating all crap again but still went to the gym for about 8 month and was always tired and not making any gains and never knew it was because of lack of protein as the way I started and ended up thinking it did not matter.

So over the last month i started taking 150g of protein a day again and working out to failure and guess what? I am making much more gains with hardly any gym time compared to before. Like I was going to the gym every single day for 1 hour and doing all my body and gaining nothing and now I go 3 times a week and will post pics.

I mean all that time at the gym did gain me loads of strength and got my form all good but now am really doing it and so happy.

ALSO I take 5g creatine a day and has helped a good bit but it makes you pee a lot.
That's great news, glad you didn't gave up! Its a big step forward once you found a system that works for you.
Just to ease your mind in case you now think you always have to work out till mechanical failure. If don't feel well that day just get some blood in there and feel it. Although I do almost every set like you, it is not always necessary or the only pathway for muscle growth. Think of heavy compound lifts like squats, you will never reach mechanical failure in your quads but still trigger at least some muscle growth.
TLDR: Keep working out till failure but watch out for your overall fatigue and know when to make a low session or week off 💪

Regarding the protein intake. You can keep it to 1- 1,5g per kg bodyweight when growing and go up to as high as 2g per kg bodyweight when cutting weight. I don't know your measures but this makes it simpler then working with a fixed amount I guess.
You shouldn't pee much more when taking creatine. Did something else recently? How much is your total fluid intake per day?

Looking forward to see pics from a fellow stoner who also does rather short but intense workouts 🔥


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I've been very late in getting back to this thread :doh:. Last time I posted in early March I was dealing with a bit of a sore knee in using the treadmill. That did get better shortly after & I was jogging better than I ever remember 👍. I got up to burning >600 calories in an hour, like I reported here the year before but 1.5 months earlier ⭐. And then I started having some issues that slowed me down. Essentially for the first time in my life, my cardio was not holding me back & instead I found it to be muscle tone issues :uhh:. It turned out that my weak (body) side didn't like the new jogging & after a number of times I started to get quad muscle soreness on that side. I was also slow to recognize this & almost jogged into more significant injury. When I did stop & take a break, there was definitely a light quad strain thing going on. I had to take a week off :argh: . When I got back on the treadmill, I quickly settled back into the higher intensity jogging routine again. And again, I strained that quad & had to take another week off :rolleyes: :bang: . This was all new to me, so at least going forward I should be able to recognize these issues and better avoid problems.

All in all I had a very slow exercise start to this year. And it was very frustrating :cuss:. As well, spring sucked here again & MTB season was very delayed :disgust:. I only got out on the MTB twice at the end of April. May is finally starting to get better now, though it did snow in early May lol :mental:. And lately I've been dodging rainy days & soggy muddy single track trails.

And I did get a flat tire :rant:, one of the few I've ever had in my life on a bicycle. Had to cut the ride in half & still needed to walk the last two miles. At home I found a hole in the tire, so I took the tire off the rim & had my local bike shop patch it. All seems good one ride since. At least, even with the winter break & not being on the MTB since early October, I'm happy to see my MTB riding skills are still sharp 👍

I'm trying to get out on the MTB as much as I can 🚵‍♂️... so enjoyable :nod: :clap: :rockon:

And holy crap, have I seen big cardio gains already
Blow Your Mind Wow GIF by Product Hunt

And that's only 8 MTB trips into the year 👀 :wave:. On the first MTB trip, I did 10 miles while taking easy trails; it was okay but should have felt easier :uhoh:. I did ~17 miles on the third MTB trip including the two most difficult trails in the area; it was very humbling as I stopped ~8 times on the cardio killer trail & another 5 or so times on the rest of the trails :zombie:. Most recently, after ~17 miles on the 8th MTB trip (including the same two trails), I was over 15 minutes faster while only stopping twice on the cardio killer trail & no where else.
Happy So Excited GIF

Big fast gains. I'm sure it helps also that I've been doing lots of MTB riding in the last 5 years, & other treadmill exercise in the 6 month off-season. Really stoked for this year with the MTB 🤩. Bring on spring, summer & fall :tup:

As I've mentioned before here, reading this thread helps inspire me to get out & exercise :nod:. I hope to see y'all here sharing great stories & getting similar enjoyment :cheers:. I'll try to post regularly & pay it forward.

Already a few times this month, I've vaped after MTB trips... so excellent 🌋
Die Video Art GIF by David Kims

Vaping after exercise, what a combo!

Sorry for all the text, need to catch up more often.

Have a great upcoming weekend. Get out & enjoy if u can, cheers

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, I've been very late in getting back to this thread :doh:. Last time I posted in early March I was dealing with a bit of a sore knee in using the treadmill. That did get better shortly after & I was jogging better than I ever remember 👍. I got up to burning >600 calories in an hour, like I reported here the year before but 1.5 months earlier ⭐. And then I started having some issues that slowed me down. Essentially for the first time in my life, my cardio was not holding me back & instead I found it to be muscle tone issues :uhh:. It turned out that my weak (body) side didn't like the new jogging & after a number of times I started to get quad muscle soreness on that side. I was also slow to recognize this & almost jogged into more significant injury. When I did stop & take a break, there was definitely a light quad strain thing going on. I had to take a week off :argh: . When I got back on the treadmill, I quickly settled back into the higher intensity jogging routine again. And again, I strained that quad & had to take another week off :rolleyes: :bang: . This was all new to me, so at least going forward I should be able to recognize these issues and better avoid problems.

All in all I had a very slow exercise start to this year. And it was very frustrating :cuss:. As well, spring sucked here again & MTB season was very delayed :disgust:. I only got out on the MTB twice at the end of April. May is finally starting to get better now, though it did snow in early May lol :mental:. And lately I've been dodging rainy days & soggy muddy single track trails.

And I did get a flat tire :rant:, one of the few I've ever had in my life on a bicycle. Had to cut the ride in half & still needed to walk the last two miles. At home I found a hole in the tire, so I took the tire off the rim & had my local bike shop patch it. All seems good one ride since. At least, even with the winter break & not being on the MTB since early October, I'm happy to see my MTB riding skills are still sharp 👍

I'm trying to get out on the MTB as much as I can 🚵‍♂️... so enjoyable :nod: :clap: :rockon:

And holy crap, have I seen big cardio gains already
Blow Your Mind Wow GIF by Product Hunt

And that's only 8 MTB trips into the year 👀 :wave:. On the first MTB trip, I did 10 miles while taking easy trails; it was okay but should have felt easier :uhoh:. I did ~17 miles on the third MTB trip including the two most difficult trails in the area; it was very humbling as I stopped ~8 times on the cardio killer trail & another 5 or so times on the rest of the trails :zombie:. Most recently, after ~17 miles on the 8th MTB trip (including the same two trails), I was over 15 minutes faster while only stopping twice on the cardio killer trail & no where else.
Happy So Excited GIF

Big fast gains. I'm sure it helps also that I've been doing lots of MTB riding in the last 5 years, & other treadmill exercise in the 6 month off-season. Really stoked for this year with the MTB 🤩. Bring on spring, summer & fall :tup:

As I've mentioned before here, reading this thread helps inspire me to get out & exercise :nod:. I hope to see y'all here sharing great stories & getting similar enjoyment :cheers:. I'll try to post regularly & pay it forward.

Already a few times this month, I've vaped after MTB trips... so excellent 🌋
Die Video Art GIF by David Kims

Vaping after exercise, what a combo!

Sorry for all the text, need to catch up more often.

Have a great upcoming weekend. Get out & enjoy if u can, cheers

:peace: :leaf:

I really enjoyed reading this and can relate so much to what you are saying here. I am 41 years old and I jogged myself into an injury and also had an injury from weight training and is frustrating as you just want to continue but it makes ti worse.

I try to rotate my exercises and have days off (I hate days off very boring for me) but it is needed to recover especially for an older gentleman.

I stopped running/jogging outside as often as I did and stick to treadmill as less strain that way and I would love to MTB like you but my eyesite is not great so I stick to the bikes in the gym.

This thread inspires me also as has your post and you are right vaping after exercise is so good.

keep up the good work brother!!!! :)


Less soul, more mind
Hi @Siebter
I hope your preparation is going well and that you are going to enjoy your race!!
interested to know your result this year!
Think of us if you need extra mental strength!

Yes, tomorrow's the big day, I'm literally packing as I write. :-)

I wish you a good race!

Thank you so much - will report back as soon as I'm able to type!


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Yes, tomorrow's the big day, I'm literally packing as I write. :-)

Thank you so much - will report back as soon as I'm able to type!
Good on you, @Siebter! How'd it go?

I first learned of backyard ultras when I learned of the Barkley Marathons. I went down that rabbit hole and remain obsessed. I will train for and try one when I'm back to proper fitness.


Well-Known Member
Hey friends, what's new with the athlete vaporists?

I continue to see significant gains in my cardio strength on the MTB with exercise since last posting 10 days ago, so great!
Happy Well Done GIF by Top Talent

The day after my last post on this thread, I managed only one rest break on the cardio killer trail as part of a 16 mile MTB ride :rockon:. And after that, much of last week was wet & cool :argh:.

I did get out again on Saturday for a similar 16 mile MTB trip & still only needed one rest break on the cardio killer trail. And vaping a nice strong sativa after the exercise brough the goods :bowdown:. With the weather improving, I got out again today for another 16 mile MTB trip & managed to do the cardio killer trail without any rest break!
Oh My God Wow GIF

I never thought I'd be able to accomplish this so early this year :tup:, a clean MTB cardio killer trail run with no rest break(s). I was expecting this milestone happen around early July this year. Last year, I first managed this feat in July iirc. And the year before, it was early October or late September when I first ever managed that feat :sherlock:. Very stoked with the big early season milestone already, cheers!

It's great to be outdoors exercising again.

Enjoy the exercise & vaping

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What's new out there?

I managed to get out 4 times in the last 7 days for >70 miles total on the MTB. Did ~22 miles yesterday for the first of the longer rides of the year (just before June hit). My legs were quite tired lol. Still dodging rain here too.

Shoutout to Redbull Hardline Wales live tomorrow morning early!

Cheers & have a great weekend.

:peace: :leaf:
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