Recent content by Dampfmaschine

  1. Dampfmaschine

    TinyMight / TM 2

    So has anyone else found their purple heart to be way harsher and hotter than the previous tinymight's? Feeling disappointed here with a sore throat! i usually run on a 6/7 i cant turn this past 1.5!!! its insane Anyone else? or do i have a defect?
  2. Dampfmaschine

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    welcome back fella. my old mate is still going strong. absolutely love that thing
  3. Dampfmaschine

    Halotherapy by using salt water in the bong?

    i just got a big thick beaker style that fits in my dishwasher. i clean it in there daily. it is essential
  4. Dampfmaschine

    Zeal and Ω

    thank you !
  5. Dampfmaschine

    Zeal and Ω

    sorry if i missed it somewhere here but im high as fuck. does the zeal fit the shovelhead bowl? thanks everyone
  6. Dampfmaschine

    Halotherapy by using salt water in the bong?

    i really cant disagree with this at all. i think changing the water frequently is a great an essential idea. ive certainly felt that its the most harsh with regular water for sure as well. i dont enjoy the sensation of warm water, but ive found that after doing this since my original post, i...
  7. Dampfmaschine

    Halotherapy by using salt water in the bong?

    sorry have been offline for a while. depression is a challenge at the moment. im glad this is helping people!!! ive been using this daily for a while now and its making a big difference for me! thank you for all trying it :) i hope you are all well
  8. Dampfmaschine

    MagicStone Alchemy

    "properly cleaned" is impossible imo - the swab picks up the tiniest traces dude. you can never clean it 100%
  9. Dampfmaschine

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    vas was cured for me when i got my tinymight2. but i must admit that is total bullshit as i want a flowerpot b1 injector. so maybe my portable VAS is cured
  10. Dampfmaschine

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    as for cleaning, im going to whip the bearing out and put her in the dishwasher. i put my herb ripper in there all the time and it comes out now. i cant see why this wouldn't be the same
  11. Dampfmaschine

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    fuck me. i can only get so erect. i want a ti so bad bearing puller arrived. now shes spinning :D
  12. Dampfmaschine

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    the old obligatory "im just an ape on the internet" but yea if youre walking around any city, or ever behind a stinky as fuck bellowing bus or truck or you've ever been in a dirty or dusty place - thats way worse than what im seeing on the old mate. for what its worth, i went for the NTN...
  13. Dampfmaschine

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    ill be honest, i had these concerns, and also concerns about possible oil dripping down the post in minuscule amounts, but i ordered anyway. ive used this grinder A LOT and there is the tiniest bit of black but honestly its negligible. as you said - welders etc mate youre in a different...
  14. Dampfmaschine

    Can someone please check something for me? does the tinymight fit in the crafty case?

    the case for the crafty from storz and bickel
  15. Dampfmaschine

    Halotherapy by using salt water in the bong?

    Hi - ok i know this may sound crazy but hear me out. Halotherapy, also known as salt therapy, is a type of alternative therapy that involves breathing in salt-infused air in a controlled environment. This therapy is based on the belief that salt has natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory...
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