Techniques for adding moisture back to herbs


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Anecdotal, I know. Shrug.

Even more than that, it’s “so this one time I did a thing one time and then drew lifelong conclusions from it”

Again, I’ve put literal pounds through Boveda storage. In anecdotal terms that makes my observations literal hundreds of times more reliable than the one time you put a quarter into a jar overnight.


Well-Known Member
I use Boveda packs and that seems to work well. Boveda packs can also be re-humidifed: I make a small aluminum foil "boat" and have the dry packs sit in the boat inside a tupperware with water. Also works great.

In terms of fruit peel, I would avoid this unless you are going to be checking your container frequently. I did that years back and everything was moldy when I re-opened the container. Not sure why anyone would do this when better options are available.
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