How to lower your THC tolerance (and some questions)

wolf torn

Well-Known Member
What a great thread ordered a scale not long ago for the pure fact that I wanted to start measuring my usage.

I got my MFLB and EQ about 3 weeks ago now. Around the same time I got a really good connection for lots of high quality bud. So the last 3 weeks I have noticed I have started smoking 5 times what I used to.

It's not just the vaporizers though, I always said I would smoke more if I could get it. It used to be hell for me ALL the time to get headies. I would go 4 weeks at a time before I found more sometimes.

Now I have been able to get which has been nice
and the vapes make me feel so great

1. MFLB changed the way I smoke, I can take 1 big drag off that and be high for 2 or 3 hours. So that has been my daily way of smoking.

2. EQ is great for home use and with friends. Everynight I will put .2 in a couple elbows attached to the bong to knock me into relax mode.

Now before I discovered vaping I used to just take a rip or 2 off the bug once a night and that was it. But then I would have to make a 1/8 last 3 weeks.

Now I have lots of bud and the vaporizers are heaven. I do enjoy getting MUCH HIGHER then when I combusted. I hated taking big rips of smoke as it hurt my lungs bad.

So what am I getting at?... I'm smoking more now but with the vaporizing I finally feel like I can say I smoke medicinally. I love to just take a single rip of the MFLB and be stress and anxiety free

ahhhhh yes
wolf torn,


90% of times I eat throughout the day, then vape just before midnight, including this time.
I think I have an high metabolism because I don't gain weight, independently how much (and what) I eat, even for long periods. I appreciate so much your suggestions, so yesterday I ate nuts, and it seems to work, in fact the high was very long and enjoyable.

Recently I have bought a scale for the same reason, it's great also to verify if your dealer is honest.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you enjoyed it. Try to eat different nuts and seeds everyday to constantly keep your body getting different ratio of nutrients which keeps it from gaining a tolerance to one type of nut/seed and to keep your taste buds from getting bored. Have fun.


I am taking a short break too, this month I vaped every single day (once a day), but I have noticed something strange during the last highs. So it's a good idea to give a little break to our brain to reactivate its receptors.
In the meanwhile I will try to feed myself with many nutrients and vitamins, and keep hydrated.
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