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    Discontinued Vapolution vaporizer

    Picklebarrel - Huh, interesting. I can understand wanting a glass vapor path, but that seems a bit overcautious given that breathing through good quality stainless steel isn't going to do you any harm. Thanks for the info.
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    Discontinued Vapolution vaporizer

    Hiya, long time no post. I saw that a new Vapolution was doing the rounds, and is available for 100 in the UK, making it about the cheapest non-generic whip vape I've found online so far. It looks pretty cool, too - definitely an improvement on the old design in terms of aesthetics. I was...
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    Herb IS stronger today......and proven to be so.

    Like max said, I've read some supporting evidence for a kind of dose-regulation reflex that most people naturally do without thinking about. Basically, if someone is smoking lower THC weed, he will want to take more to get the desired effect, while if he's smoking hella strong stuff, then he'll...
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Yeah, cool. If you do give 'em a try, be sure to post what you think! :) It's possible that bees wax burns with a hotter and more stable flame than matches, and I would imagine they're a lot cleaner. I've had a bit of a think and I'll probably stick with a regular butane flame. Considering...
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    Herb Grinders

    I purchased a lovely heavy duty metal grinder with kiff tray about a year ago. It was a great piece of kit until an idiot friend of mine took a knife to it when supplies were running low and scratched the living hell out of it trying to get every last bit of herb out. I was not best pleased...
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Hi Jagernacht, Those beeline things look kinda interesting, but I wonder if they produce a hot enough flame. My experience of using matches in the Vaporstar (when I'd run out of lighter fluid) was pretty much a complete failure and I suspect the same will be true of these. Also, you'd need a...
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    An idea - Anti-bacterial copper mouthpieces?

    Hi PurpleDays, Ah, yeah - forgot about the taste of copper! D'oh. No one would want to put something that tastes like blood in their mouths. :) Silver is a quite cool idea, heck, the price of some vaporizers is so high a bit of silver on the mouthpiece wouldn't be unreasonable! Thanks, Atty.
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    the Goods and the Bads about Vaping..

    How on earth do you manage to smoke an entire bud joint? I've tried it once or twice and it completely floored me within about 5 minutes! Last time I tried it I completely whitied and needed a little lie down. :)
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    An idea - Anti-bacterial copper mouthpieces?

    Hello guys, I kind of had an idea recently I thought I'd share just in case anyone thought it was any good. First off, I'm one of those people who tends to catch every little bug that's doing the rounds, and sharing the mouthpiece on my vaporizer with friends is probably one of the main ways...
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    the Goods and the Bads about Vaping..

    ?) If you used to smoke tobacco joints (because all-bud joints are effing insane!) and don't like bongs/pipes due to the harshness, you can finally enjoy your herb without being tobacco's bitch! I find that since I moved over to vaping, I use far less herb in a day as I'm not having massive...
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    Arizer V-Tower

    Hi Superconductor, I'm not a V-tower owner myself, but from what I understand it's pretty common for Vaporizers (and in particular the V-tower and extreme) to not accurately report the temperature of the herb, as the heat sensor is not positioned close enough to the actual herb chamber/bowl...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Thanks Guys, am checking out the old thread.
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Send me one and I'll do it for you! ;) Since it's gonna be a while before we get a video, perhaps you could write a little more about how the box works? The vaporpedia entry describes it as a 'conduction' vape, which have historically been a bit crappy. How does it differ from these older...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Looks good! Would really appreciate a proper video demo of the completed product in use, though, as it's hard to grasp how it works from just looking at it.
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Does anyone know about those green flame torch lighters I once heard of? Apparently they are clean burning like a normal torch lighter, but the flame bends a little like a regular butane flame.
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    Extreme Vaporizer Vs. Herbalaire Vs. I Inhale/I olite

    Just a guess but if the bag wasn't filling up, you probably didn't have the fan turned on ;) Glad you like your Extreme Vap. It's one of the vaporizers I'd love to own.
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Just thought I'd mention that I contacted Dave at about needing another wooden bowl for the unit, and much to my delight he responded within a day, offering to replace it for just 3 pounds and fifty pence! (about 5-6 US dollars - although it might've cost more if I wasn't in the...
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    Discontinued Vaporstar Vaporizer

    Hi everyone, The Vaporstar gets my vote. It's can be a bit of a fickle bitch at times, and you need pretty big lungs and good breath control, but once the technique is practised you can get surprisingly big hits from it. Annoyingly, I lost the wooden bowl for my vaporstar some time ago, so...
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