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  1. D

    Electric vapes with all-glass air & vapor path?

    Hi, I'm looking for an electric vape where both the air and the vapor path are all-glass. AFAIK, one of the best options is the Lamart BAKx, but the next drop might be months away and the ~$750 units available at Connabis Sommelier are way too expensive. The other option would be a coil vape...
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    Best scoop for ground herb?

    Hi, What's the best scoop out there? I need it to have a non-magnetic tip for use with my OMD AROMA-3 grinder. I'm considering: - TRWW ST04 XL Long Scoop & Tamp - In stock, weird shape but great price ($17) - Vaping Fans Magnetic Scoop Tool from Vapefiend - Out of stock, good shape and good...
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    Tempest, Anvil, Dani Fusion 2 vs TM2/Venty/Solo 3/Bowle 2, etc.?

    Hi, What would be the advantage of a Tempest/Anvil/Dani Fusion 2 if I already have something like the Tinymight 2? I see people gushing over them, which is probably understandable if they come from a DynaVap (I've never tried one), but I think I've also seen people with other very...
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    Arizer Solo 3 vs Tinymight 2?

    I have a Tinymight 2, but VAS is always lurking and the Arizer Solo 3 is intriguing... Is there any reason to get a Solo 3 if you already have a TM2? What advantages would it have? For reference I also have a Herborizer Ti, Crafty+ and Heat Island, but I never use them because the TM2 is so...
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    Herborizer Ti or Cloud Connoisseur Halo for clumsy and safety-paranoid guy?

    So... Decision time! I first had a TetraX, but it never worked properly (power would drop to nearly 0 watts) and I combusted once or twice while fiddling with resistance values, etc. I also didn't like having to deal with charging batteries and worrying about leaving them at 100% for too long...
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    Arizer Air MAX

    Spotted on Reddit! According to 420edc:
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    Log (Heat Island, etc.) versus Tetra P80 / Tinymight?

    How does a log like the Heat Island compare to the Tetra P80 or the Tinymight? Some context: I currently use a Crafty+ and love its ease of use and consistency (big clouds with fresh capsules!). However, I don't like is that it's a session vape and I'm always anxious about the herb getting...
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    NV 4-piece stainless steel grinder

    Has anyone tried this grinder? Apparently it's "designed in Austria" and much cheaper than other stainless steel grinders I've seen online like the Roiel Crown, Lift Grinder, Herb Ripper, or even the Black Leaf Steely Dan:
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    Tafée Bowle

    Just came across this vape from a Canadian company that Jorge (the MiniVAP founder) is collaborating with: Is anyone familiar with it? Looks quite original and more "consumer friendly" than most others. :cool: Apparently,
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    Mighty vs TETRA P80 (or Tinymight)?

    Hi, How does the Mighty compare to the TETRA P80 (or Tinymight)? I keep reading wonders about the latter and tried to but the P80 yesterday, but these artisan vapes are almost impossible to get. Surprisingly, I saw that Troy (420vapezone) still considers the Mighty to be his top vape even...
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