Search results for query: BLOW DRYER

  1. Melting Pot

    Best room deodorizer?

    My old hospital trick. Stuff a paper towel roll with dryer sheets blow hit through tube.
  2. O


    ...It seems like there might still be a bit if factory gunk somewhere? When I run the device with the cooling unit off it has a kind-of blow dryer/electric smell still. I also have a pax and an arizer air max. Neither have made smells like this that I’ve noticed. To be fair, this is my first...
  3. B

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I feel you there. also sounds like an excuse to ogle more stems🤣 I’ve been loving this thing so far the only qualms I have are with battery life which should be remedied on the 11th. I’m blown away at how fast this cooks a bowl in both modes. I’m coming from the world of MFLB, Firefly OG, and...
  4. S

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I rotate my vapes so I can let it sit a day a two. But a blow dryer would work.
  5. S

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    That's actually good advice! I already use my girls air dryer to dry my glass but I've never thought of the idea to simply heat the devices up and then iso swab after to clean it all up. I will definitely be doing this moving forward for cleaning my Dyna and Dani tips. Thank you
  6. TedJones

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    ...with bowl holder (swab just fits though) & bowl (pipe cleaner for bore, pliers to hold). Swab with water only for inside the cap. All can be dried right away with paper towels and/or blow dryer. Worked in a kitchen many moons ago so luckily my fingers can tolerate the heat gun somewhat...
  7. Oden

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    We love you bro, that's all you need to know. People here know your value. Just keep making vaporizers that send the community into space. I'm sure you'll release vaping devices that will be a huge hit. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  8. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    ...with the phone where I thought I lost everything. The battery is so bad on my phone that if it dies, I genuinely have to heat it up with a blow dryer to induce enough of a resistance change to power on.... 😬 now I just leave it permanently plugged in - it’s essentially an old school corded...
  9. SquirrelMaster

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    ...increase. Maybe some with logos as a limited option if it's not much trouble? I would like to see some stickers. I'm going to take a blow dryer to one of the baggies my stuff came in, to try and salvage the Gophase sticker attached. For my entire life I would get stickers but never actually...
  10. RxPlorer

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Using the dimpled tube for a while and haven't had to clean it out yet. The cooling is so good I haven't even been interested in swapping to the ruby. Is it's cooling actually much better? because your workflow sounds like a total drag, man.
  11. seedy53

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    put the dirty ruby tube in iso into a small plastic bottle with a lid or zip-lock bag and agitate it for a while, or leave it soaking over night. then rinse in hot water, blow out the excess water and dry it out. A hair dryer works well. don't drop the glass tube. lol reinstall, do a short...
  12. Vaporific

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @3xFantasyChamp - Use a hair blow dryer if you have one (I threw mine out 25 years ago, lol). Or leave in sunny spot for a few days. Good luck. :peace:
  13. Abysmal Vapor

    Draining the Bandit

    Yeah that is pretty much what i do ,too. Warming the sides of my glass tools with hair dryer and then using the vacuum. Btw there are some hookah vacuum/pumps that i have seen used by people also to dry their hoses/hookahs...
  14. tgvp

    Draining the Bandit

    I found a way, not exactly the most practical but it's better than just waiting. I use the vacuum cleaner (and my hand to make a more or less airtight connector). The difference with just blowing through it is that the air passing in the bandit is dryer than the air from my lungs, thus not...
  15. tgvp

    Draining the Bandit

    HI there, I recently pleased myself with a late christmas gift for my DynaVap while I'm on the go by ordering two Sneaky Petes' Bandits (little and micro, didn't knew which one to chose, so took both). I really like it as the water tool is a great improvement for the already nice vapor from my...
  16. Shit Snacks

    Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.

    I actually tried to use a space heater haha it sort of worked, but it was also a little afraid of getting the battery hot so I kept wimping out with it... Can't remember which vape damage that one it was a long time ago, probably FW7, I have not had any scuff or damage with them in the V3pro...
  17. Petetbay

    Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.

    My 21700 mod box came with a bunch all different colors, Idnk they are shrink wraps. :doh:
  18. RustyOldNail

    Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.

    Never hurts to have some spare 18650/21700 battery wraps. A proper heat gun is best, but a high temperature hair blow dryer will work.
  19. His_Highness

    Tafée Bowle

    ...the gasket, dump it into the jar and let it sit till I need it. Then I shake it in the jar, rinse in hot water and then dry it with a blow dryer. Not exactly low profile compared to the potters though. I got caught short on battery life on a second bowl a few weeks back which caused me to...
  20. CurryLeafTreehugger

    Underdog Log Vapes

    So ... I was contemplating my newly waxed and buffed dogs in their Sunday Best (which is their Birthday Suits as we all well know) - and had just picked up a stem with a bit of abv in it (because if I forget to dump it I will always do a just-in-case draw, just to be sure, because yes, I AM that...
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