Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater


Well-Known Member
What's that tip (mouthpiece, not the stunner) he's using with the 3TM in the video?

Can't wait for this thing to be released.
Also interested in the MP on this one; I was planning in using the 3TM with the TA4 once it's released, and I wanted to get a better MP for it.

Kinda torn between this and the Forge. May come down to availability of and performance with adapters for Tempest / Anvil / TA


Pranayama; of a sort.
I heard June, I’ll have to verify where haha
I got a Instagram response saying "set your calendar for May" when I asked what the ETA was. I might have been bugging them about it for a while :)

I saw that the Flare will work with the TA's - hence its probably the major item on my list atm

May come down to availability of and performance with adapters for Tempest / Anvil / TA
I have been wondering if there will be adapters - wait - isn't the forge depth adjustable? - eh doesn't matter other thread
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Any word on an expected release window? I've saw a few posts on reddit claiming dynavap sent yll vape a patent claiming yll's induction heater infringes on a patent dynavap owns for induction heaters. Hopefully this isn't going to have an affect on the flare but everythings went silent in regards to it so who knows.

Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
Looking forward to this device but I must say I have a concern that I hope gets addressed in firmware.
Based on the Sneak Peak video of the beta:
@ 1:49 - "I find it's best to just max out the wattage and the induction heater will make adjustments based on its sensor."
Then during the Anvil portion of the video to get the detection to give more wattage to the Anvil it had to be wrapped in a Simrell FMJ.

The decision to so significantly override the user wattage input setting based on a detector and firmware algorithm they've set bothers me. Especially given that the decided settings for several devices in video stay near the same range as the Wand (60 watt is the number I've heard for The Wand) (ex: Dani v3 ??w, Fusion II 120w, Anvil 55w, Anvil+FMJ 105w, TA 70W, Stunner ??w, M+ 45w). Entries with ?? had the wattage display blocked during heating.

If the user's choice of wattage / joules / power output level gets overridden then the device is mostly a timer device that can achieve a higher max with 'select' devices and gets more hits with others unless I am missing something else.
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Singularity Walker,


Vape swap shop
Looking forward to this device but I must say I have a concern that I hope gets addressed in firmware.
Based on the Sneak Peak video of the beta:
@ 1:49 - "I find it's best to just max out the wattage and the induction heater will make adjustments based on its sensor."
Then during the Anvil portion of the video to get the detection to give more wattage to the Anvil it had to be wrapped in a Simrell FMJ.

The decision to so significantly override the user wattage input setting based on a detector and firmware algorithm they've set bothers me. Especially given that the decided settings for several devices in video stay near the same range as the Wand (60 watt is the number I've heard for The Wand) (ex: Dani v3 ??w, Fusion II 120w, Anvil 55w, Anvil+FMJ 105w, TA 70W, Stunner ??w, M+ 45w). Entries with ?? had the wattage display blocked during heating.

If the user's choice of wattage / joules / power output level gets overridden then the device is mostly a timer device that can achieve a higher max with 'select' devices and gets more hits with others unless I am missing something else.

To be honest, i had already expected i would be using this device on maximum most of the time. To heat up these larger devices we are pushing limits of what 3 x 18650s can do. I expect the forge will have better performance, but has a much bigger battery and larger unit.

Am i bothered about having to use a FMJ? Not really. Once its on its on, and you can forget it.

In fact does anyone have any recommendations here? I have a tempest, which i guess might need a FMJ. Whats best, FMJ, vaphit silver collar (large, small) ? Any one with a prototype done any experimentation?
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