Recent content by Two Heads

  1. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Ha! We'll see... Right now, I'm a bit too full of the love for my sorely missed Bowle to fuss much about it. It's such a superior vaping experience and high.
  2. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Very fast. The delay was mine.
  3. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    I just got my repaired Bowle back. It went on the fritz again in May and I finally decided to have Tafée repair it ($40 USD). First vapes impression: oh man, I've missed my Bowle!
  4. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Yeah, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. I'm missing my Bowle. The ArGo I bought to tide me over is a reasonably priced, solid unit with an excellent battery. Even once I have my Bowle back I'll probably use it for camping. I just ordered a replacement battery for it for that very...
  5. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    I feel much the same rowbam. Wary, but not about to give up on a superior vape.
  6. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Update: I just got a call from Bruno at Tafée and we have worked out a decent compromise to replace my base unit. Our conversation - and the fact that he called in the first place - has gone a long way toward restoring my faith in the company. There's never been a question whether this is an...
  7. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Hi His Highness, They did send some pics but they were all of the outside of the puck. I'd attach their's, and mine, but I can only see an option to insert pics by URL. My puck does have wear marks from inserting the charge cable. Unless I was hammering it in or being very rough and careless...
  8. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Their offer is... "we will gratuitously offer you a significantly discounted Puck Base Unit replacement beyond the warranty terms for $79.99 + Shipping. You may also elect to purchase a completely new set at a significant discount for $199 + Shipping." Not a bad offer if I was past the warranty...
  9. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle

    Sorry, I don't follow this thread regularly so my concerns with the Bowle and Tafée's warranty department may have already been expressed but here's my story anyway. I bought my Bowle a little over a year ago and it is without a doubt the best vape I've ever used BUT I was concerned right from...
  10. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    Thank Bad Dog. Before I made the switch to vaping I was waterpipe all the way so I think I'd like this at home. And not possible with the Bowle.
  11. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    This has been an interesting process and I'm learning a lot. Many thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far. I guess I'm still leaning towards a TinyMight. (By the way Shit Snacks, sorry for my ignorance, but what's a WPA?) I ended up watching a bunch of Troy's videos, as much for the...
  12. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    Thanks m0sh and bossman. I'm starting to understand how spoiled I've been by my Bowle and that pure convection is what I'm looking for. As stylee as the Rogue is, I'm now leaning toward the TinyMight. Even with the additional $70 Bad Dog warned me about, it will be a bit cheaper than the Bowle...
  13. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    Thanks Bad Dog. After looking at all of the suggested vapes, and limiting it to units I've found on Canadian websites, I'm most interested in the Healthy Rips Rogue right now. One question I have is why this full convection vaporizer takes 25 seconds to heat-up? Shit Snacks referred to it, I'm...
  14. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    Two heads are better than one. Two vapes are better than one. Well played! And yes, maybe vape #2 may well be another Bowle...
  15. Two Heads

    Tafée Bowle companion vape

    I'm glad I asked! Thanks everyone, especially Shit Snacks for setting this thread up. I'll do a bit of research on these vapes and let you know what I decide. I'm in Canada and not sure if they are all easy to get here. Oh, and the swamp garden was looking pretty good but not as good as the...
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