Recent content by Ponikos

  1. P

    Dynavap VapCap

    Stumbeld upon this pipe. Would be cool to use it with a Dynavap tip. Maybe somebody has experience with it or knows of a similar pipe?
  2. P

    CBD Concentrate

    Their products look good and they also have a laboratory certificate from Austria. Thanks
  3. P

    CBD Concentrate

    Could you provide a link, couldn't find anything with google. Thanks
  4. P

    Pax - All Models

    I got a knock off of the screen and the pusher from amazon. I use the two screens with the half pack lid and really like it. I can use less bud , the draw is better and it gets more evenly cooked. Thanks for the suggestion
  5. P

    Dynavap VapCap

    Could I use a simrell condenser with a simrell intercooler? Also the only wood sleeve I could find is the mad heater one for the revolve. Could I use the sleeve with the condenser above? Or somebody know a EU vendor for wood stems? Thanks
  6. P

    Pax - All Models

    Thanks for the recommendation. Unfortunately I can't find any EU vendor for this screens. There are also the official PAX 3d screens, that apparently fit the PAX 3. Anyone can comment on them? How do they compare?
  7. P

    CBD Concentrate

    Thanks for all the replies : ). But of course I should have been more clear in my question. I am in a country where CBD products are legal, as long as they only contain 0,2% THC. So I am wondering if it is even possible to make a CBD concentrate with such a long amount of THC. Or are they...
  8. P

    Pax - All Models

    I have been using Dynavap mainly. Now i got back to my Pax3 and don't like it that much. I feel like my Dynavap got me higher with a smaller amount, also the draw on the Pax is not to my liking. Are there any accessoires for the Pax that you would recommend to get a better experience? Thanks
  9. P

    CBD Concentrate

    Hi there : ) I have been smoking CBD Flower mainly and wanted to try some CBD concentrates. After some research it seems CBD hash is mostly hop pollen mixed with CBD crystals and some perfume. I guess CBD wax/ shatter isn't any better. Are there genuine CBD concentrates that you recommend or...
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