Recent content by oddjobold

  1. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I think my purple heart is a little hotter than my std TM2. My OG was also 1 position on the dial hotter than my TM2. Purple heart is about the same. Maybe my std TM2 needs calibration.
  2. oddjobold

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    Mine arrived today. I got the 42% off deal on the vaphit X kit. Total delivered less than £24. I am quite amazed at how much stuff they give you in the kit. Everything feels quality, not cheap at all. The metal stem is really thick. If anything it feels a little over engineered. You could...
  3. oddjobold

    Completed [H] Old Style Dani Metal Stem [W] Paypal £20

    Just the Stem, no tip. In blue. £20 delivered in UK. International pays extra for shipping.
  4. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yeah shes way nicer looking than a normal lass.
  5. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I went for a walk: First time i used it, i thought it was faulty. Had the dial on 0 not 7. What a dick. I was tired, it was dark (Thats my excuses and i am sticking to them). After my first go. Performance wise its identical to my TM2. Might have to hit them side by side to tell if...
  6. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I should probably tell my story, back in November i started a conversation with TM about trade in of my OG. We got talking, they recognised my name from the forum and they offered me a Purple heart to review, and share details with you guys. SInce then i have been sworn to keep things a...
  7. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yes its purple heart. Toward the end of the week ill post some better pictures outside with better light.
  8. oddjobold

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I hope you guys did not empty your wallets over 420. Ill just leave these here............
  9. oddjobold

    Wondering if any UK FC folk going to Hyde Park for the 420 festivities in London tomorrow?

    What vapes u all bringing? Me Arizer Air SE & lightning quest
  10. oddjobold

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    It worked! I just had to wait 3 days since my fraud check. Werid.
  11. oddjobold

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    I spoke to my credit card people, after the first fraud check they unblocked my card. Even though i have tried many times after, the vaphit website has never requested money from my card again. There is a confusing message about trying again after 3 days. That would be friday night. Lets see...
  12. oddjobold

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    My credit card did query the transaction. Asked if it was me. I replied YES. They said try again in 10mins still did not work?? My mastercard debit card says try a differnt card type.
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