Recent content by nickolas

  1. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    You know I’ve found if bud vapes harsh you can get rid of a lot of the harshness if you blow hot air through the bud 225f for about 10 min. You have to do this after it’s ground up btw but it seems to burn off most of the harsh stuff while still leaving most of the good stuff behind.
  2. N

    NFC How do you know your weed is any good

    Got to trust your senses and find a reputable source you like then stick with them. Visual inspection in smell go a long way but doesn’t guarantee you’re getting good bud.
  3. N

    Beer and Cannabis Question?

    I’ve noticed really hoppy beers buff any high you get from vaping but drinking more then 1 or 2 makes getting a headache a distinct possibility.
  4. N

    How many times throughout the day do you vape?

    I usually vape 1-4 times per day on avg depending on my situation, but often do vape more on the weekend.
  5. N

    Everybody got what they wanted. Now what?

    I could see a lot of things being added to vapes in time. I mean filters or sensors that warn of contamination are harmful chemicals in your herb or vapor. Power and heating options still have room to advance as well and maybe even new materials like carbon nanotubes or something.
  6. N

    NFC Indica lovers

    I mainly use in the late afternoon and evening and like indica and indica leaning hybrids. I do use sativa on occasion but mostly only on weekend afternoons.
  7. N

    Is my AVB even potent?

    Yea vaped bud is always a bit of an unknown. I’ve gotten more then I bargained for in the past eating it and other times the effects are muted. Generally I’ve found if the bud is darker and turns to dust when you roll between your fingers then you will need a lot more of it to get what your...
  8. N

    Government weed shops. For it or against it?

    I honestly don’t like the way the legal market is drifting towards serving the interests of a few big companies and their investors. I’d like to see the feds ditch the venture capitalists and lic lots of small scale personal grows and establish a peer to peer sale system similar to eBay. This...
  9. N

    How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

    I fucked combustion the day it fucked my lungs which was almost 20 years ago. I had to go through major surgery to fix the damage and still feel sore sometimes to this day got scars still as well. So I don’t smoke anything anymore for any reason.
  10. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    Ok so based on the litmus paper test everything appears fine and I’ve been able to salvage all the stinky bud i have run into besides the two samples I returned for a credit. I will say this issue of off smelling bud is not uncommon or limited to one dispensary. I’ve decided not to name and...
  11. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    Ok, so after looking into the issue I encountered it would appear that the suspect bud I've purchased can be salvaged by 'burping' the suspect bud for a few days. Now I feel a bit bad about returning the bud I did knowing that it probably could have been salvaged with a little extra tlc. I also...
  12. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    I wouldn't think you'd have any tolerance issues as long as you are careful with the dosing. I originally started trying the rosin to use as a bowl finisher so I could drop about a 1/3 a rice size grain on a full bowl of vaped bud to get a little extra out of the flower without having to switch...
  13. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    Ok, so it seems the suspect samples I have remaining are improving, at least in the sense of the questionable odor becoming less noticeable relative to the good weed smell I'm used to. Also, seeing as I noticed someone here asking about the rosins here in FL. I can report I've tried 2. The...
  14. N

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    You know what else is bad for your heart? Sugar. What do people typically crave when high? Sweets. The crazy thing is there's still MDs telling people to eat a low fat diet in order to prevent heart issues even though it has been over a decade now since the entire link between high fat diets and...
  15. N

    For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!

    Great, Thanks. I ordered a few of those so hopefully within a couple of weeks I'll be able to report how well those seem to work as far as addressing the issue.
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