Recent content by Mrjamminsalmon

  1. M

    Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.

    Hello everyone, I hope you’re all having a great day. Absolutely in love with my v3, performance and build quality for the price is incredible. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a battery to purchase as a spare? I’m not massively familiar with battery stats so don’t wish to purchase the...
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    Milaana 3

    I received the 2 standard ones, a clear tapered stem and a smoked glass Xl8r cooling kit.
  3. M

    The Sandbox: Make test posts here
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    Milaana 3

    Huge thanks to Jack Thursby for helping me upload pictures. I received my Mi3 on Friday in the UK and placed my pre order on 18/8/19. This is my first Milaana and it sure is pretty! I’m really enjoying the unregulatedness of the device and after a few scorched bowls I’m starting to dial my...
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    RBT shipping thread

    I preordered my unit on 18/08/19 and had to be invoiced at the time due to being in the UK. I received a notification that a shipping label had been created on 24/02/20 and it still says awaiting item/pre shipment today. Any other UK folk got any further than me? Not complaining at at all, just...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    My SS PFE came unwrapped in a bubble wrap pouch with 2 loose batteries...
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    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Got my hopper in the UK on Monday. Used it a couple of times with some peppermint, lavender, damiana and some CBD concentrates in hemp fibre .It really is a kick ass device! Got the battery email this morning and am absolutely gutted! Reckon I have any chance at a refund? I paid through PayPal...
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    Had my 6 for just under 2 weeks now and after some back and forth with the man himself it seems I may have the draw sensor issue. Not phased by this at all as this is all just part of the process of a new handmade release. I love the 6 despite this and definitely think this is going to be my new...
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    My 6 arrived in the UK on Monday! Haven’t had much time to play with it since then but I have a whole evening of testing ahead of me. It’s a ridiculously brilliant blend of art and engineering much like its siblings. I’m fully aware of the mix of issues some folk are having so keeping all that...
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    I too am in the UK and received my shipping yesterday. How long from shipped to delivered did yours take? Also what were the total customs charges? Can’t wait to get to ‘grips’ with this micro beast! Feeling bad for my 5 though, he’s occupied the dog walking daily driver spot for so long now.
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    Thank you so much!
  12. M

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I too was wondering this! Wasn’t sure if it would be right to ask as this is my first ever waiting list experience, and the first time I’ve properly worked to save away my money for something. Maybe we could all post on here the date we received confirmation that we were on the list from the man...
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    Magnificent news! :)
  14. M

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Anyone here from the Uk? I’ve managed to source my 4 and 5 second hand over the last couple of years but intend on getting a fresh 6 and was wondering about the postage costs (customs is something to worry about later). Just want to put all the money aside ready for release. I’ve put the full...
  15. M

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Incredible! I love it already! Well done sir!
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