Recent content by Mister

  1. M

    Hey there, are you still making the Crafty battery packs? I would like to purchase one if so.

    Hey there, are you still making the Crafty battery packs? I would like to purchase one if so.
  2. M

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    Just wanted to chime in here, some very interesting reads! Best: 1A - Underdog: What can I say, this little bugger is truly remarkable. Consistent, silent, and reliable as solid steel; it handles everything thrown on top of it. Mine have been running solid for 2+ years with daily operation...
  3. M

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Make that quattro :D
  4. M

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Anyone receive their order yet? Still MIA over here.
  5. M

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Yeah, I wouldn't go out of your way there. I called him on Monday or Tuesday to see what was going on with my order. To my surprise, he answered. When I asked him what the status was he said he needed to get someone in the office to get the information but there was no body in the office because...
  6. M

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    I'm in the same boat as well, haven't heard a peep since 6/12. I have no problem having my bank reverse the charges but I much rather have I product I paid for and intended to use. If I don't get a reply from him in the near future that's the only other avenue I can travel.
  7. M

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Way to show off the new pup, Dave ! Can't wait for it to arrive on my doorstep! I even got the wife excited now. When I told her the original plan, I think she was hesitant. I showed her the finished pictures last night and she said "whoa, now that's art!" The countdown is on!
  8. M


    Thanks man!
  9. M


    Question for you genius types; a friend of mine has a really nice gong for a PD, would that work with a CRZ? The bowl side is S/S and the rest is glass throughout.
  10. M


    Man this site is addicting! I have truly expanded my knowledge base about 500% over the course of a few days. I was dead set on getting an LSV as replacement for my SSV/N02 combo and now discovered a world of awesome variety. Now I am obsessed with researching log vapes and I think I am going to...
  11. M

    Wait for cloud or make the LSV jump?

    I emailed Alan about getting a unit, I hope to hear from him soon. Conserving some tree while still getting thick and tasty vapor sounds like a win win for me!
  12. M

    Wait for cloud or make the LSV jump?

    Everyone, thanks again for all the info! Should I invest any time snooping for a PD? I saw one on eBay for relatively cheap. It seems of all the log types, he PD is he most hit or miss. I think either the UD or HI look like winners, with the HI getting the slight nod with the variable temp...
  13. M

    Wait for cloud or make the LSV jump?

    Ok I'm sold on a log! I figure by the time the cloud comes out I can always sell what I don't use. I'm torn between the UD and HI right now, with either, what's the best method of attaching a water pipe? I've seen some users go this route but I can't identify any adapter used. Thanks again for...
  14. M

    Wait for cloud or make the LSV jump?

    You make it sound dirty! Just saw the HI thread...might wait until you get the third log of your trinity to make a move. Thanks for all the info!
  15. M

    Wait for cloud or make the LSV jump?

    Intrigued! Looks like I have some research to do. Any recommended starting places?
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