Recent content by mettle

  1. mettle

    Things that go well with vaporizing

    Its hard to find a better buzz then a joint and one strong beer.
  2. mettle

    Sativa or Indica

    I'm really curious to try the dispensaries that list weeds THC, CBD and CBN content. I find the general Sativa vs. Indica isn't that consistent with its affects. Classifying into two categories with specific properties is a large generalization. I'm interested in trying lower THC and higher CBD...
  3. mettle

    Things that go well with vaporizing

    Aeropress and a handgrinder makes great coffee. Its a fun simple task to help yourself wake up.
  4. mettle

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Yeah, I mean it definitely affects people differently. I think I'm more sensitive to subtle changes in my lifestyle whether its sleep or eating poorly. As a student I was always amazed by how many people could manage heavy drinking, sleep deprivation, and still manage to do all their work and...
  5. mettle

    Opinions on vaporizers

    It is bizarre to me that groups like the NCPIC even exist. I think the burden of explanation here is on Sally. Until then it seems this survey is not in this culture's interest.
  6. mettle

    Places You Vape

    Ah, no portable vape here so mostly at home or in circles of friends for me. I do love smoking and the outdoors though.
  7. mettle

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Vaping works great in general with a healthy lifestyle. However, I find it takes a lot of effort and mental discipline to keep up with eating well, exercising, sleeping properly, ect AND weed seems to subtly make me less disciplined. I've had to cut back a lot on weed for these reasons. Anyone...
  8. mettle

    Are there any low cost vaporizers that are good

    You tossing around a lot of different vapes of varying prices. Maybe give us a price range that you consider 'low cost'?
  9. mettle

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Yeah, I don't vape enough that I care to use my weed thoroughly. I use a little weed and also dump it past a certain point. I'll always flush the weed for a new session as well even if I didn't use much of it at first.
  10. mettle

    So you want that McRib, eh?

    Supposedly, its sporadically available because they wait for the price of pork to drop. McDonalds is a food commodity trader :)
  11. mettle

    Vaping with Pets

    Its just a thing. Some pets don't seem to mind. Thats not a far-fetched claim. I'm with you on the danger of this though. Its not a bad assumption to guess that a pet that keeps trying to get in you vapor actually likes being high. Its a bad assumption that this is as or less harmful then it...
  12. mettle

    Vaping with Pets

    Some pets don't seem to mind, but it definitely can have some poisonous properties as others have mentioned. Be careful, especially with edibles.
  13. mettle

    HAPPY NEW YEAR.......

    Man, holidays and calenders are weird. Its new day. It should always be exciting! (in theory)
  14. mettle


    Anyone enjoy yoga here and tried vaping before? This Summer I discovered that a cup of coffee and a vape before a yoga class really made for a nice day. It became a sunday ritual to do that and bike around and it really made for a nice reset before my week.
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