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  1. bestvaping

    Sticky brick runt e butano

    To obtain complete combustion of butane, a few essential rules must be observed when using brick-style vaporizers (instant inhalation): use a quality torch lighter (not a yellow flame lighter (BIC style) which produces incomplete and dangerous combustion for our usage). Moreover, electric...
  2. bestvaping

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Damn it, well done! I love your The Brick and your videos, Thanks! I'd love to get one the old-fashioned way (I hope to find a used one someday). I have a question, I noticed that you position the flame so that it fits into the intake. What is the height is your straight intake? It looks...
  3. bestvaping

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Jr with a 70mm Dynabox straight intake and guaranteed success 😉 I mainly use my Jr on a water filter and it's really fantastic. It's nice to be able to disconnect the herb chamber quickly and easily, I think this model is perfect for use in the water. OK, let's go!
  4. bestvaping

    Rebuildable 510 Herb Atomizer (Ribbon feature)

    @Daffmodollas yeah, slowly but surely 🙃 UPDATE: The project is progressing, and following some very instructive exchanges and a better understanding of thermodynamic (I would especially like to thank @KeroZen who helped me a lot 😉 as well as all the members of the FC community and this...
  5. bestvaping

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Still the best of my vaporizers (and one of the cheapest) .. the bricks are so powerful .. it's amazing :clap: I like the bent flame intake, which I find nicer to use than the straight one, as it allows additional adjustment, i.e. to position it at the right angle depending on how you hold...
  6. bestvaping

    Butane torch thread

    I have one and it works great like Firefox, but I find the palm lock system very inconvenient for our use, the locking trigger is very solid and hard to use which makes it less user friendly but much safer in terms of child safety. The flame is adjustable in yellow or blue and similar power to...
  7. bestvaping

    Ispire Wand, enail&vaporizer

    I recently bought the Wand from LCV in order to take advantage of induction heating with my DV and TA (works well), however after more than a week of daily use, the glass broke on the top (this happened when using it with DYADP adapters): Is there any way to repair it yourself? Can Ispire...
  8. bestvaping

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Ed's TNT DV stem just landed, it's just perfect, nice work! :tup:
  9. bestvaping

    Buddha or Surfer?

    The SSV is supposed to be able to support more heater cover type: But since the baller mod, I don't know how it works, the SSV has a spherical ground glass: While the DBV has a conical ground glass: So I don't know if the DBV baller mode will be compatible with the SSV? or are they...
  10. bestvaping

    Rebuildable 510 Herb Atomizer (Ribbon feature)

    You mean like Alan's iHeat? I opted for this because it's a standard ribbon (it has no pins) that comes into direct contact with the inner cylinder (like a Morwood heater), and it also completely isolates the wooden sleeve from the air path (I know that many people are sensitive on this point)...
  11. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    Yes, from the first information I received from the TM team, this seems normal, it seems that some units have some variation between the wood and the heating unit, which would create leaks. I guess I didn't have any luck on that one, as I'm very preoccupied about this and if it's true then some...
  12. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    @gangababa thank you for the explanation and the attached photo, actually seen like this I don't see why my TM2 behaves like this unfortunately because I'm still blowing gently and I can clearly feel the air coming out through the battery hole, there must be something missing in my unit or it's...
  13. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    I'm talking about my first comment which is quite devastating ... I've contacted TM to get more information before a possible return because apparently my TM2 seems defective according to the previous comments. There's nothing wrong with admitting I was wrong (in fact, it's the smartest thing to...
  14. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    Yes, because as I said, my TM2 doesn't have an insulated air path, and it necessarily passes through the PCB (you don't need to have disassembled the unit and identified all the SMD components to understand that it's not safe (otherwise we wouldn't even be here discussing it)). @666Honeybadger...
  15. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    I bought my TM2 from LCV in August 2023, so I don't think I got a Chinese imitation. When I blow into the mouthpiece hole and cover the air holes with my lips, the air comes out clearly through the battery hole. How do you explain that? I'm sure someone here will get the same results because I'm...
  16. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    No, because in the case of a closed circuit, when you blow through the mouthpiece hole (and plug the ventilation holes with your lips), no air should escape through the battery hole, which is not the case here (it should feel like a clogged straw).
  17. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    @666Honeybadger plug one of the holes with your thumb while you blow into the other, then remove/replace your thumb and you'll see the change in the airflow coming out of the other hole (you can also plug the usb-c hole and the temperature setting, which gives a better rendering). And yes, air...
  18. bestvaping

    Tinymight2 Bad Smell

    TM by no means has the cleanest air path on the market, I don't know where this idea came from, but a simple test is enough to show that this is not the case. I'm not just talking about the wood here, but about the electronic components that give off heat as well as other compounds from the PCB...
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