Search results

  1. Vehmic

    What vaporizer produces your favorite texture/mouthfeel vapor?

    For me it's my Anvil (1st preorder wave). Something about the texture is just the right balance of fluffy and dense.
  2. Vehmic

    Flipbrick or 봉 석신

    Ravaged by the curse of VAS, I am reasonably charmed by my Anvil, but can't help but be interested in flipbricks and their ilk. Right now I am torn between the Flipbrick, and the 봉 석신 from O'Connell. I would love to hear from anybody with experience with these devices that might sway me towards...
  3. Vehmic

    Far Out Animation

    Howdy everybody! I love all different kinds of animation and puppetry. Figure I could always learn from others so I made a thread just for posting cool movies or short films with interesting or just really well executed animation styles.
  4. Vehmic

    Blended Flower

    Do you ever mix you flower? I mixed some Purple Punch (wild berry poptart) with some Mandarin Cookies (candied mandarin) the other day and it tasted downright delicious. I am curious if anybody has go to blends, or perhaps blend archetypes based on terpene profiles? Cheers!
  5. Vehmic

    What would be your Trinity of vapes?

    Were you limited to 3 vapes which would you pick and why? Ideally vapes you either own(ed) or have sessioned with multiple times. I would post my own but am still too green. Cheers.
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