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  1. D

    What is the better PID?

    Hey there, since my ballvape comes without a PID controller ill have to get one myself. I can get either model by crossing technologies. Now the seller told me that the small green one heats up much faster and also regulates better while inhaling, but he also mentioned that the unit has no auto...
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    230v enail coil at 110v

    Hey there, i received a ball vapes from alibaba. Tiodw lite. The seller sadly packed the wrong enail coil. Its a 230v coil, but i need it in 110v. Now the seller told me that the 230v coil will work just fine at 110v. Sounds funny to me - but i know hardly anything about these coils. What do you...
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    TIODW lite ball vape

    Hey there, just wondering if anyone has experience with the tiodw lite version? Its a small 14mm injector ball vape plus shovelhead from alibaba. Their big ball vapes are regarded very well on reddit, but no one ever talked about this small version. Since my herborizer bowl always felt too big...
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    Ball vape with ss balls and induction heating

    Hey there, im still dreaming of a ball vape that uses induction heating. I know the tempest does it. And i have it and love it. Still wondering if it would be possible to use a glass or ceramic housing for the balls (similar to qaroma) and fill it with stainless steel balls that get heated...
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    Polish sandblasted glass

    Hey there, i found some beautiful 14-10mm adapters that i would like to use for my mad heater and simrell vapes. But they are sandblasted from the inside, hence they would scratch the titanium. Is it possible to somehow polish the sandblasted part in order to get a smooth finish? cheers
  6. D

    Are Vapcaps really safe?

    Hey there, im getting more and more concerned about my vapcaps. I have a Simrell, the Omni and the Revolve. They all behave the same. I load them with nothing. I heat with an induction heater. I blow instead of pulling. Big cloud of something coming out of the device. On all of them. What is...
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    Ditanium vs Buddha vs Vaporbrothers

    Hey there, im wondering if any of you have experience with the Ditanium and Buddha vapes first hand? i want a whip desktop and these two are still on my list. The Ditanium is twice the price here in the eu. so I’m wondering if it makes sense for me. Is it better? Or just prettier :)? oh, and...
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    Splinter v2 burn off

    hey there, quick question.... i cant find the info. does the rbt splinter v2 require a burn off like v1? if so, do i use the same method? Cheers
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    diy vaporizer heating element

    hey, im pretty new to vaping and im also into electronics. so im thinking of building my own :) i really dig the simple concept of the milaana and i guess i will try to build a similar device. looking into it, there basically seems to be next to nothing involved. a battery, a switch and a...
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